Steering Wheel Evolution

Drive to evolve to get the cool steering wheels and get the supercar collection!

Total ratings

4.63 (Rating count: 207,178)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Engaging gameplay that some players find fun
  • Fast-paced progression with lots of cars to unlock and levels to complete
  • Casual math challenges involved in gameplay
  • Good for short gaming sessions during travel
  • Frequent ads that disrupt gameplay
  • Misleading advertisements about offline play
  • Crashes and glitches that affect game performance
  • Decreasing quality of rewards after reaching higher levels
  • Confusing payment structure for removing ads
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Game crashes and glitches
  • Misleading claims about offline capabilities
  • Gameplay fun but hampered by interruptions
  • Progression becomes less rewarding after a point
See reviews for Steering Wheel Evolution on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 4.63
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41% (19)
Date Author Rating Comment
Mel Williams
got a pop up to remove ads for $3.99 so I clicked on it only for it to show I had to pay $10.99. Prices are misleading. Is alright game other than that
Mug Hug
I downloaded this game with it saying its a no wifi game and then i get hit with a "no connection" i would add a phoyo as evidence but im not sure how. I was realy looking forward to playing this game but this kinda just ruined it
Casey Ewing
09/19/2022 I had a nice Chevy and it froze and I had to reset the app, and I lost it bruh make sure you're game works before releasing it to the public 🤦🏻🤡 still laggy just checked 🤡🤡🤡
Esri Calitz
I wanted to give it a 5 star rating but then when i got to level 100 the price and the cwalety of the cars started to go down and there are too meny ads and the place were th cars needs to stand takes way too long too walk throw
Mahbuzzaman Bhuiyan
I don't know that my showroom is full I got a ford that have only sell option the car parking lot is not free thats unlocked when i see ad
Adelfa Rodriguez
it is so good I love this game it's like the best game in the world I can't believe you how did you guys make this up like it's so good like I can't believe you guys made this it's like very easy and good to play it's like you can get like a millionaire and a few minutes like I've been playing for like 10 minutes and I have like 32 billion dollars and it's just like so fun of a game I just love it and me and my friends are playing it right now but I'm typing so I really love it in Minnesota is )
Amit Gupta
because there is very ads while playing so it desirve 2 stars but game is medium good
Thendo Masia
I like the game but it feels like I watch more ads than playing the actual game.
Fluffy Jones
This game is terrible its always lagging and the ads are never ending this game was just a waste of storage on my phone DON'T DOWNLOAD IT!!
Ham Burglar
no bugati, watch add an lose money, not cool, also where is big sausage
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