STL Laval Transit

Get real-time transit info for STL Laval Transit

STL Laval Transit: Real-Time Transit Info

"STL Laval Transit" is an Android app designed to provide real-time bus arrival information for STL Laval Transit users. With features like route search, live bus tracking on the map, alarm notifications for reaching your destination, and the ability to save favorite stops or routes, it ensures a seamless public transit experience. Gain access to all buses at a specific stop and check arrival predictions powered by Nextbus to stay updated on your commute.

App stats

By: TC apps
Downloads: 8,204
Rating: 1.00
Version: 20210314_stl (Last updated: 2021-04-03)
Creation date: 2013-08-08
Full description: See detailed description


User reviews

It has nothing to do with st Louis bi state bus system. It's not even in English
by A Google user, 2015-07-17

Instead of it saying the bus comes at 1:00am it would say it comes in 73 mins. It would be useful if it said the actual time so that way I dont have to do it in my head. *Please Update*
by A Google user, 2015-04-07
View all user reviews

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