Parallax 3D Live Wallpapers

3D Parallax backgrounds HD, holograms, animated live wallpapers 3D, ringtones.

Total ratings

4.62 (Rating count: 54,407)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great variety of wallpapers
  • Low battery usage
  • Ability to preview wallpapers before applying them
  • 3D effects and customization options
  • Excessive ads, including misleading X buttons
  • Lack of specific options for lock screen wallpapers
  • App stability issues leading to crashes and battery drain
  • Some users experienced issues with the wallpaper resetting
Most mentioned
  • Ads are a significant issue
  • Wallpapers are visually appealing and customizable
  • Stability and performance problems
  • Limited options for gender-specific wallpapers
See reviews for Parallax 3D Live Wallpapers on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 4.62
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27% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Mike Du Plessis
These walls look fantastic and uses almost no battery. And I'm not even using the built in battery saver. Brilliant job by the developers!
Doesn't get wallpaper updated, not preferred to install also, every time u view a wallpaper add comes up
Emenike Okpala
Top app through and through. with too much ads by the way
Social P
More advertising garbage. If developers spent more time stabilizing the app itself instead of making sure their advertisements worked, maybe these apps and wallpapers would be better. EDIT: WHY WOULD I PAY FOR AN APP TO REMOVE ADS WHEN THE APP DOESN'T WORK AS IT SHOULD. TYPICAL GARBAGE RESPONSE FROM THESE APP CREATORS.
riaan taljaard
I watched the ads but still don't get the wallpaper, very dodgy. So you don't even read what I wrote correctly then respond to what you think i said . Clearly shows lack of interest. I said your app says 1 thing but doesn't do what it promises. That's called false advertisement
Fred Spofford
Strong to quite strong. Edit #1: Removed a star for the lack of "lock screen only" option. I'm sure I can use 2 wallpaper apps concurrently though. Still would be nice if I only needed 1 solution. That's the difference between good and great. Edit #2: Removed another star for the generic/impersonal reply.
Parallelpark Daudette
A lot of nice qualities. All you have to do is watch an Ad, instead of having to pay a dollar on average via other apps. I removed a star because there's not an option to set a wallpaper to specifically (Lock Screen). There's only a *Lock/Home Screen* option and a *Home Screen* option
Awful. The ads are awful. There is no X to get them away, there is a fake X that closes the app, and the ads just will not stop. You cannot preview wallpapers before downloading them, and the button to set as wallpaper rarely appears.
Becka James
My excitement for this has been short lived. Great wallpapers but after a few days it automatically removes itself and you have to set it up again, which is incredibly annoying! If it was download once and stay for however long you wanted it, I would have given the app full stars.
Darin Miller
Excellent Wallpapers and Themes! There are a lot of cool choices where you actually get the theme that you choose to download and appear on your home screen. There have been many different apps where I choose the theme/wallpaper, but then it won't download and appear on my homescreen.
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