The Safe Place

Minority Mental Health App geared towards the Black Community.

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4.62 (Rating count: 70)
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Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.62
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Date Author Rating Comment
Dustin W
Remember reading how we fought to end segregation? Now we segregate ourselves from one another and call it progressive it's sad really. Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character. - Martin Luther King Jr.
Yarnaa Lindsay
We as black people definitely need more of these out here. Very informative and helpful. Thank you ❤️
Blue and bean
I'm glad this place exists.
Brooklynz FyneSst
Very good information
Absolutely wonderful app. Thank you for creating this
A Google user
App definitely has many prospectives multiple people can benefit from.
A Google user
Jasmine you are saving many lives. I have depression and bipolar. I am 45 years old. I have suffered from mental illness all my life. My mother is a pastor and yes it was always pray about it. This is a true blessing from God. Sweetheart I cannot thank you enough. GOD BLESS YOU!!!
A Google user
Jasmine, this is amazing! Thank for creating this app for people like ourselves as a forum to obtain info on all types of mental illness & how to cope with it all. Our community definitely needs apps like this. I know I've felt alone so many times and didn't who to talk to w/o critism or judgement.
A Google user
Its ok for resources but I was expecting a forum of some kind where I could chat with other black women living with mental illnesses.
A Google user
Great App much needed!
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