PlantAD- Plant Identifier App

#1 Plant Identifier

Total ratings

2.23 (Rating count: 53)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Reliable plant identification
  • Good customer support
  • Clear and succinct content layout
  • Offers multiple options for plant descriptions
  • Requires payment for full functionality
  • Frequent glitches and bugs
  • Limited free usage options
  • Poor accuracy in plant identification
  • Cannot enlarge photos for clarity
Most mentioned
  • Problems with payment and subscription requirements
  • Issues with app functionality and glitches
  • Limited free usage and identification capabilities
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Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 2.23
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70% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
bj L
I just paid for this app, and you cannot do anything with it!!! It isn't identifying anything. Nor are you able even see the pics your taking, and want identified!!! THIS APP IS ABSOLUTELY A JOKE!!! (PART 2 EVALUTION) ..I jjust left from upgrading this app, thinking it would be better. Still the same EXACT PROBLEMS!! People have got to be putting fake ratings on here! This app is still a tremendous joke!!!!
Rebecca Cox
Said free today, I am not purchasing something without trying it first. Would give me NO info until I paid. This app lies, uninstalling. I would give minus stars if possible
Duncan Karoline
It's the most reliable ID software of plants that I've ever used. My houseplant was the only one it could not recognize by a photo, therefore I reached out to their support and got a response within less than 2 days. I've had 3 similar programs before this one, but was disappointed in any way, therefore I gave them up. PlantAD is a complete ID with photo tools with lots of info regarding my plants and fantastic service.
Joyce Ngoma
So far so good. It's not yet time to test the identification number yet, however I am impressed by the layout of the application and the content is absolutely incredible! The content is clear and succinct. Thanks for the application and I'm not done with the gardening process and maintenance of plants not even finished!
Melendez Fier
Amazing software! I'm amazed by how precise it is. It's not always the case that it's not possible, but it's a tremendous help the majority times. Make sure you select the X in the right side of your screen, after which you can uninstall the paid version, and you can download it no cost. The paid version can prove useful if you use often as a means to demonstrate your appreciation to the application. But, I only use it often when I'm in necessity, and paying for it isn't really a great idea for me.
Danielle Zubrod
Didn't work at all... Kept glitching. And instructions is spelled wrong on the actual search page! Careless
Nicholas Morano
You have to pay, don't even bother downloading. ** I can use free 3 times a day if I give you my credit card info. Got it.
Mike Turner
Failed. I tried to identify a specific Philodendron, and it didn't even get the species correct. And they want me to pay a monthly fee for this?
CJ Haifley
Plant app that's free for plant identification that works near flawless with my experiences over 2+years now! Extremely recommended!!
Andy Tranter-jones
Installed it based on high review rating, very poor, gives far too many suggestions that all look very similar to one another and almost impossible to identify the flower or plant you are looking at.
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