Melody Engineer

Melody Engineer is a melody auto-composition app. It helps composing melodies.

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 25)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.71
All time rating average: 4.29

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71% (5)
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29% (2)
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jurgen Schuller
As all this developer's apps, generate random melodies (pseudo-random to be more precise, 'cause there are some settings you can change) for use as a starting point in music production. Export midi, import it into your DAW and you'll have a template for a future song.
Espen Laub
ChrisEL 1620
Great app to create melodies to export and use for your Digital Audio Workstations
Brian Link
If you could please add an undo function. Spent 25 minutes working this one sound and forgot to save. UPDATE: Wow, I was not expecting the developer to respond so quickly. I also discovered the settings menu you got to stay there's a lot of advanced features in this app. As I learn more about it I fall more in love with it. Made a beautiful song last night wish I could share it. Used bandlab to bring the sound to life.
A Google user
It's a cool little app is actually one of the first Melody apps and actually generates notes go along with your chord progression that are realistic. The UI and layout could use some work . It seems a bit cluttered and at first a bit confusing to navigate but once you've rehang of it its actually not too bad.
A Google user
This app is great for coming up with little tunes. Just keep changing the variables and sooner or later you will get something you will want to work with :)
A Google user
if articulations (dead notes, palm mutes, bends etc.) and power chords can be added to the notes, then this will becomes the best guitar riffs generator.