Drums Engineer

Drums Engineer is an app for drum beats composition.

Total ratings

4.13 (Rating count: 95)
See reviews for Drums Engineer on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.71
All time rating average: 4.13

Rating filters

5 star
43% (3)
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14% (1)
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29% (2)
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14% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
Jurgen Schuller
Perfect for creating drum tracks for use in your music production software. Export midi, import it into your DAW and tweak it as you please from there. (you can change the drums from the app itself, but it's easier for me from PC than mobile devices).
Espen Laub
Anthony Wake
Im no developer and i hate giving negative feedback so I'll try to be as constructive as possible. Having used a lot of different drum apps, software and machines. 1st off, the layout is fine, it is unique if anything but it works. The drum sounds are nice and meaty, although im unsure of the attack on the snare as it seems a little bit off on the timing.Timing is the main problem with this app, ive tried tweaking the time correction, but each pattern seems to start well but end badly.
Willy Vargas Baluarte
Sound fails
Clark Kent
Good but it has issues with multi-note timing
Very good App 💚💜❤️
euri pides
When returning after a whole turn played the soundprocessor hangs 4 a millisecond & destroyes da fun