Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival

Official app for Bonnaroo 2024!

Total ratings

2.94 (Rating count: 49)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Keeps track of music schedule while at Bonnaroo.
  • Easy to navigate once schedule view is changed from default.
  • Not updated for the current year with relevant information.
  • Map is missing key locations and not labeled properly.
  • User interface is cluttered and difficult to navigate.
  • Security flaws reported with Bluetooth capabilities, risking user privacy.
Most mentioned
  • App lacks timely updates with current festival information.
  • Schedule function is clunky and often incorrect.
  • Map functionality and vendor detail are severely lacking.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 2.94
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62% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
Dan Craze (CrazeDanConfuzd)
you can't put the attitude of the people at roo into words-you simply have to experience it for yourself
Franklyn Benjamin
Still waiting for an update to the app.
Jennifer Touchton
Currently provides minimal basic information. Please hire me to manage this Product!!
Carp Scott
No a festival you want to go to if you are used to going to festivals and having fun with partying activities is like tripping or rolling and stuff like that it's definitely a drinking festival and definitely there's cops all over the place so be careful if you're going to have real festival activities
C. Robinson
Works about 80% of the time but it still does in fact work while you're at bonnaroo. Good for keeping track of music, but my dad still uses the paper map cause it doesn't have to load.
Cassie Cornett
Not fun to use, entrances and exits not labeled. Got lost while trying to find entrance upon arrival. Lost while inside teyinf to leave festival. Cardless payments never worked for me. No variety in drinks, every booth offered same. Scrolling down even after performances played. Not in real time. Have to download snap chat to find exits? Tried asking for help but literally found Employees smoking Crack. Massive sewage backup. Scary festival.
Mark Cunningham
Would be a 5 if we could get the vendors added. Bonus points if the vendors menus can be added also
Meredith Poole
Not updated for Bonaroo 2023 yet. The festival is in a week...
Junior S
Not up to date with 2 weeks before the event
Steven Martin
Not even updated... Less than a month away and they still have all of the info from 2022 on here....
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