Download Festival

The official app for Download Festival!
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Date Author Rating Comment
S Fraser
Collects personal info just to open but doesn't say what it collects just to browse show times. Last year didn't do that. Uninstalled.
Joe Stanley-Smith
There were numerous lineup and timing changes at Download festival this year. You'd think this app would be perfect to tell punters about them - nope! All it does is send adverts and highlights as notifications. The lineup it displays is often wrong, showing bands who'd pulled out. What is the point of having a direct line to people at the festival if you aren't going to update them with critical information? Run it in the interest of the customers not the advertisers next year please.
Sam Couzens
Never come across such a poorly designed app, it looks worse than a failing GCSE students
Robert Edwards
Seem to be having the same issue as a lot of people, there's no map on the app which would be kinda handy, will update review after said festival
Paul “theDoodleGuy” Mooney
Getting posts and emails saying the map is finally here and yet it's just a black screen no matter how many times I refresh or restart the app. Useless
Kerry Percival
At least it shows you the acts that are on like we wouldn't know. Any way they advertise that the map will work and you'll be able to see more. I've tried three different phones and the map doesn't work. The link is also faulty. No point to the app when you can get it all on website alot easier. Apart from the map there's faults all over with that.
Amy Smithson
Didn't fail me once, it was great and worked during the festival even when we had little to no signal. Updates were great and they give you notifications on the secret sets way before they happen. I strongly advise turning updates on as keeping up with festival news helped us prepare way better, especially as newbies :)
Rob Sommerville
Repeatedly crashes, map is barely interactive. At best this is an offline wrapper for the website.
Ryan B-Shields
Lots of useful info about download including stage times. The map has finally been added now too. So time to get planning. Not sure why it keeps giving me a notice saying it's running in the background. Only way to get rid of it is to force stop the app.
Spiny Junior
The app itself is easy to use and a nice layout, but the stage times are conflicting, and they keep changing. For example, at the time of writing this, it tells me different bands are playing on the same stage at the same time. (The meffs and soul glo, both on dogtooth stage, Sunday, 16:00 - 16:25) This makes planning where to go (and when) very difficult.
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