Screw Jam Nuts & Bolts Puzzle

Unscrew it: Pin Jam Puzzle. Can you solve the screw and pin puzzle?

Total ratings

4.74 (Rating count: 3,188)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and stress-relieving gameplay
  • Challenging puzzles that require thought
  • Great as a time filler
  • Ad loading issues
  • Game freezing on level completion
  • Inability to proceed after finishing levels
Most mentioned
  • Problems with ads
  • Game freezes and issues progressing between levels
  • Overall enjoyment despite technical problems
See reviews for Screw Jam Nuts & Bolts Puzzle on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 4.74
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Rating filters

5 star
67% (14)
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24% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Ashraf Daub
nice 👍
Lenore Postans
has enough hardness
Kimberly Wagner
One of my favorites, I like building things but I also like taking them apart. I enjoy the challenge of which thing to take apart first in order to level up
Please fix the ad loading problem. Thank you
Desanta Duckett
It cheated in my face twice.
It is stress free,but I am having troubles , when I've finished a level it won't let me move forward in the game. But apart from that it's a good time fill in. Still having issues when finishing levels. I wish I never spent any money for this game, otherwise I'd uninstall. So fix it or return my money. Still haven't rectified the problem so keep the $8.00 and I'm uninstalling now.
Sourav Sreemany
Pls solve the issue " when completing the puzzle we have to proceed by tapping continue but the continue option is not working getting freeze and can't proceed to the next level, rather if I want go to next level I had to restart the game again to play."
Eswaran 888
super good
Hareesh Hareesh
Sonal Bhardwaj
very bad game
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