
Watch hit movies and TV shows on Crackle’s award-winning streaming service.

Total ratings

3.71 (Rating count: 407,549)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good selection of content and some shows/movies not available on other apps.
  • Free to use, providing access to movies and TV shows without subscription fees.
  • Some users appreciate the original content offered.
  • Excessive commercials, often with long ad breaks that disrupt viewing.
  • App is glitchy, with issues like random loading, pausing problems, and crashes.
  • Lack of user-friendly features, such as a watchlist, episode selection, and proper content descriptions.
Most mentioned
  • Problems with loading content and buffering.
  • Frustration with the commercial interruptions and the requirement to watch ads again after pausing or rewinding.
  • Technical issues across devices (Android app, Roku, etc.) and lack of updates or support.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 3.71
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Date Author Rating Comment
Elizbeth Hardesty
Waste of time and energy. ----5☆,,,,Doesn't load anything, if you do get a picture it won't last long. Commercials every few minutes and run for several minutes. This app has only gotten worse over time. I would bother connecting them, it's the same response and nothing is done. They should delete the whole app. Scrap it.
John Guerin
I like the selection. The app is problematic and sometimes doesn't work. There is no watchlist on my android. The interface is not user-friendly among devices. I have yet to login to my other TV. The password reset will not send the code. I am forced to search for my watchlist program every time. Respectfully, JG LTjg USN ret.
Marjorie Wilkes
This app doesn't work on my Samsung phone. I have tried to watch multiple videos. Everytime I watch an ad, then receive an error message that the video won't load. I select "retry," watch another ad, and receive the same error. I tried to submit the problem to Support; however, the Support feature doesn't work either. You cannot enter many of the required fields, such as type of device and location. A complete waste of my time.
Pam Glynn
Too much of the time it's buffering so you can't watch. It's hard to get the show and to get it where you want it. Then you barely touch your phone and it blips off. I'm ONLY using this app because I'm in a bind. I wouldn't recommend it. Most of the movies are old. There's a few decent ones. Not very many good ones in the many genres I like. Too much horror and rated B stuff. It would be alright if a person could actually watch an entire show. What a concept. Yes the operator is over 22.
Todd Grimes
Android Crackle Application will not advance to home screen from account sign-in screen on any Android mobile devices. Would rate "0" if it was available. I used to enjoy being able to use the app, however it has been having this issue for several months to well over a year or more. Somebody has not been keeping up with updates and bug fixes. Uninstall/reinstalled, checked for updates, reset password, etc., to no avail. Roku TV and online access works fine, just not Android app. Please fix.?! :(
Tori Eckstein
I downloaded to watch Sherlock (BBC version and I can't really find the show anywhere else) and I mean, it's great, I get to watch my favorite TV show, but the ad breaks are so often and so long tnat I can't really watch anything. Another thing is that I legit cannot pause the show without it pushing me back about half an hour which is a huge bummer for me. Overall experience is okay, but the five minute ads? And the fact that I literally cannot pause my show unless I close the app? Seriously?
Lewis Leppe
Glitchy, all over the place, in all imaginable ways. They have some good shows, but you'll never actually finish one without a problem. Pause the show, go back to before the last set of ads -start ads over. Watch normal, might just stop and not start up again or the sound might go out while it continues playing. Go to ads, might freeze up, might never start up again, might skip forward or back after the ads. Watch ads while wife gets a drink and show starts up so you pause the show,restart add
Rhoy Elite
Complete garbage fire, A wonderful app if you like watching the same Burger king Whopper commercial 15mins. Per 24 mins of the show you're watching. Not much of a selection, navigation sucks, crashes alot, Loads the ads perfect but not the shows you wanna watch, no 'continue watching' or any way to keep up with your progress of already watches shows,, did I mention the Burger King commercial playing 3full minutes of the same 20second ad over and over and over. Do not install. :(
William Smith
Garbage app. Ads are fine, if the app is actually usable. 1. It offers no description or details about films. All you know about is the title and the thumbnail. 2. There are quite a few interesting tv shows. But if theirs a particular episode you want to watch then you have to go through every episode that came before it. There is no method of selecting aparticular season or episode. This is literally the most basic app. You can watch films and shows and of course the ads. That's it. Garbage!
Amanda Kearns
Not the greatest of movie selections ..... sometimes content takes a while to load - thought it was my service but based on other customers reviews I'm convinced now that it is in fact the application itself not my phone at all.😂 if you're looking for a free movie app- this is definitely one of the few for you- it's just EXACTLY that... & you get exactly what you set out for. It's not the greatest, but you're trying to get something for free here guys, whatcha' expecting??!! let's be realistic
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