Every Proxy

Http, Https, Socks4 Proxy, Socks5 Proxy and PAC Server

Total ratings

4.17 (Rating count: 7,075)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works perfectly for many users with a nice interface
  • No advertisements, making it user-friendly
  • Effective at sharing VPN connections with other devices
  • Low power usage when not in use
  • Supports HTTP and SOCKS5 proxies simultaneously
  • Does not work on all devices, specifically newer models like the Samsung S24 Ultra
  • Frequent disconnections or losing the proxy connection
  • Issues with compatibility and functionality after updates
  • Some users find it complicated to set up correctly
  • Limited functionality with certain VPN services
Most mentioned
  • Connectivity issues, especially after updates
  • User interface and ease of use praised by many
  • Frequent disconnections of the proxy
  • Functionality depending on specific VPNs
  • Running without ads is a significant plus
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 4.17
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Rating filters

5 star
57% (16)
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14% (4)
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7% (2)
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21% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Behrang Taj Ahmadi
It doesn't work on my new Samsung S24 ultra. I worked fine on Note 8.
Works perfectly and has a nice interface. Bridge mode works with Wireguard. The best proxy app out there.
Mike R
Doesn't work as am still detected and blocked by businesses firewall....
Mahfuz Ahmed
Facebook,whatsapp,telegram etc. apps not working on other devices.
amir mehr
It's a useful app but idk sometimes when my phone go to turn screen off , App maybe disable. Not always but sometime happend. Anyway tnx to producer. Ohhh I forgot to mention that this point, There is noooo Ads. Believe me 😁 God bless u Every Proxy
Joe Capone
I can't tell it works at all and it turns itself off about 5-10 times a week. Still run out of data very quickly. I tried to open tutorials, support, etc and they all came back with an error message 503 certificate has expired. Seems more like a bad app to me!?
Brijesh kumar Mishra
Very nyc but proxy loose data connection every 5-10 minutes and sometimes multiple time in a minute
Danial H
It honestly just works. It just works! And it's not bloated with advertisements. It would really become super practical if there were more protocols, like Wireguard, but I know that could be challenging because it's on a lower network layer so this app is a 5* as is! Respect to the developer.
Pushkar Yadav
I don't know if it this app is a virus or not but I can tell you that it froze my phone (pixel 8 pro) which no other app has done. this was enough info/experience for me to uninstall this app.
Joe Tyler
This is a great app, it uses the same data speed plan from your mobile device no matter what speed limitations or throttle your tether hotspot restrict you from, works well with VPN connections, just wish it had dark mode option, hopefully soon.
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