YouTube Kids

An app made just for kids

Total ratings

4.21 (Rating count: 2,948,590)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Convenient for parents to control what kids watch, with options to block channels and set age restrictions
  • Minimal ads, providing a safer viewing experience for young children
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface for kids, allowing them to navigate easily
  • Option to choose specific shows or channels, making it customizable for children's preferences
  • Recent updates have negatively impacted the app's layout and usability, making it less kid-friendly
  • Inadequate parental controls, with unwanted content slipping through despite blocking efforts
  • Issues with app functionality, such as glitches preventing it from opening or freezing on the 'choose a kid' screen
  • Difficulties in searching for content and navigating due to changes in the app structure
Most mentioned
  • Recent updates have made the app less user-friendly
  • Parental controls are insufficient for filtering inappropriate content
  • The layout changes have confused children and made finding videos harder
  • Inconsistent blocking of unwanted videos and channels, leading to frustrations
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 4.21
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Date Author Rating Comment
Gregory Bush
Bad.... its difficult to switch settings and control the content set within app. I can't even set a default language so my kids aren't getting content that's in Chinese Russian or Spanish. It's frustrating because I'd look for them to be able to watch fun things but I hate that I have to go and manually block every chanel just so my kids don't get confused about language. They need to grasp English before anything else. I wish it was easier to get exactly what I need out of this app...
phthalocyanine canary
Listen, we've used this app for a long time. My kids are quite upset at the updated setup. It definitely isn't as kid-friendly or inviting by losing some of the fun music and details... and the layout has made it seem to them that they've lost content that was approved for them, and even I cannot find it for them. Please consider adding a feature to use the layout it previously had. Additionally, this would be an opportunity to use a few different formats or themes to make good of it.
Yee Thao
There's been a recent app update... when you open the app, the screen is no longer horizontal. However after picking a video it goes to full screen and requires you to rotate your phone (horizontally). This is actually really inconvenient bc if you wish to search another video, you have to rotate your phone AGAIN. I liked the older version better.
Catherine Ludvigsen
Decent, but some questionable videos. I don't let my child watch unsupervised. The new layout is AWFUL. My child is struggling with it and we really want the old layout back. Please fix it! It's not doing auto rotate any more? And the home screen is not child friendly, OR adult friendly. Finding her favorite videos is much harder now.
Convenient, easier to give a kid the device with YouTube kids on it than regular YouTube, which has commercials and any content that may not be appropriate. You get to set the age, and if you don't like certain videos or channels, you can block them. You can see the blocked list, too. However, It would be nice to have a search history option. The selection gets mundane and redundant after a while, but if you search different videos, it should update the recommended videos.
Not good for kids. Weird and unwanted content is always slipping through no matter how many times you block the channels. There should be a setting in which you can only play content from channels you have allowed. You shouldn't have to go around blocking thousands of channels and videos. There will always be more things that get through and you can't possibly block them all.
Sylvia Young
Absolutely OVERLOADED with WAY TOO MANY INAPPROPRIATE VIDEOS even if you block/report each video or channel. It doesn't matter if you set restrictions or not. There will continue to be videos that are COMPLETELY NON-AGE APPROPRIATE. The majority of the videos/channels are not in the language of what you have it set to. There are some channels/videos you can find and SEVERAL others you can't find. Overall, I don't recommend using this app for your kids. There's not enough restrictions.
Geebus Googleisevil
I have plenty of negative things I could say but I'm going to try to say something closer to encouragement. My little one enjoys the app very much. It is easy for her to navigate and watch content that she is compelled to watch more frequently. There is of course, questionable content at times but I usually skip the video for her if I find it may not be suitable. Kinda wonder sometimes why there isnt more fresh content but I try to keep's not easy to make content. Thank you.
While it's a great concept on paper, the poor level of parental controls available makes it challenging to weed out certain videos. I would like a keyword block feature that prevents videos with that listed keyword from popping up. The only reason it isn't one star is because I do appreciate the app timer. You guys have some work to do. Thank you
dustin corwin
Like that so far, it only shows appropriate videos for kids. Not user-friendly with swipe controls. Trying to exit app on my pixel 8 is a nightmare. I usually just end up scrubbing the timeline of the player or returning to the pick a video screen. Also, you can't download hand-picked videos. The app will download what it wants when It wants with no way to change it.
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