Digital Wellbeing

Improve your wellbeing and disconnect more easily

Digital Wellbeing - Enhance Your Digital Health

"Digital Wellbeing" is an Android app that provides insights into your digital habits, helping you to disconnect effectively. It features daily usage tracking, app timers, bedtime mode, and focus mode to manage distractions and enhance your overall wellbeing. By allowing you to monitor app usage, limit notifications, and set routines, it promotes healthier interactions with technology for a balanced life.
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App stats

Version: (Last updated: 2025-02-25)
Creation date: 2018-08-08
Full description: See detailed description

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Not available on Edge

User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Cannot be uninstalled or disabled easily
    • Automatically updates without permission
    • Intrusive notifications that disrupt other app functionality
    • Collects false data on app usage and screen time
    • Does not provide the promised benefits and often creates confusion
    Most mentioned
    • App is pre-installed and cannot be removed
    • Intrusive tracking and monitoring behavior
    • Drains battery and resources
    • Reverts permission changes on its own
    • Issues with notifications and alarms
    User reviews
    This is definitely a malware app. It claims I can uninstall it from my Google Play store. It doesn't matter if you do. The settings will still work on this app even when you turn everything off on permissions to notifications to uninstalling it. It still works. By adding timers to your most important apps you use all the time. By controlling your phone calls and sms messages. It puts your apps on bedtime timers even when it's been turned off and uninstalled in my phone. It is a spy app and bad.
    by Britt Bags, 2025-02-02

    As far as I can tell and am concerned this is baked in spyware. It should be able to be disabled or preferably deleted yet it very purposely is not able to be. It hogs system resources and constantly monitors everything you do unless you go through numerous settings to make it stop. Then to top it off it will sometimes even revert settings changes on its own. This app is a virus in my eyes.
    by Aeron Hale (N'raiya), 2025-01-28
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