Provides accessibility by voice for hands-free mobile computing.
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Review summary
- Useful for hands-free usage, especially for individuals with mobility issues
- Voice control features allow for text dictation and command execution
- Can be convenient for urgent messaging while driving
- Highly buggy and prone to crashes, often stopping unexpectedly
- Inaccurate voice recognition, misinterpreting commands and dictation
- Interference with other apps and functionalities, such as media playback and Google Assistant
- Persistent auto-popup notifications interrupting the user experience
- Difficulty in controlling the app when background noise is present, resulting in loss of command recognition
Most mentioned
- App is buggy and crashes frequently
- Voice recognition is poor and often misunderstands commands
- Interferes with other audio apps and features, causing frustration
- Persistent and intrusive notifications that disrupt usage
- Difficulties arise when attempting to dictate or control the app in noisy environments
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2025-01-09 | I do NOT recommend this app. This app is horrible. No matter where the icon was at on my screen it was ALWAYS in the way of whatever I was trying to do. And ît didn't work good at all. It also makes my phone start acting weird. People calling couldn't get thru and I couldn't dial out and I would have to send my text msgs 5-10 times before they would actually send. | ||
2024-11-16 | Even as I tried to use the the talk to text option here, it doesn't work and changes words erratically on the Pixel 8. I was using it on an older OnePlus 7 and it was good, not perfect, but I definitely am not dealing with the bugs that I'm dealing with on the Pixel 8 which is supposed to support the Google features better. Switched to a different talk to text app. Google needs to be more proactive and responsive to the issues that people are writing on. | ||
2024-10-27 | This app used to be great. I spoke, it converted speech to text in any app I was in, simple. No commands needed. Perfect for when driving & need to send urgent message. It was 99% accurate, too. Last time it didn't work. I started calling out commands & found I have to shout, normal volume didn't work, "type" be4 it'll do anything. I also have to start immediately or it stops. If I pause it stops. Accuracy is at best 75%. The last update broke this app. | ||
2024-09-23 | Was a very useful app. "Installed" but not able to "Open"; app not found. Now it crashes: 1. "Sorry, I didn't understand that", 2. App goes "deaf" 3. App gets totally confused during and after using the app for GOOGLE or BING search. See above #1 and #2. 4. Show Numbers does not adapt when going to a different App. 5. GMAIL always types dictation at beginning of email body; no matter cursor location or other text in email body. Useless. | ||
2024-08-25 | I've been trying to activate it for a day, but after I installed this app, when I try to Open, it gives me a pop-up telling that a Language (ENGLISH-U.S.) needs to be downloaded first. And then when I proceed, the next page shows Downloading bar that does not progress at all! Ugh! Very frustrating. Playstore shows I have this app already installed and I also deleted cache n cookies and reinstalled it, but no Luck! I checked on social media and many others are facing this issue on their S24U ph. | ||
2024-08-25 | It worked well one time. Now if I say "show labels" it hears "show levan" then after I've said it three times and waited a few seconds each time it shows labels, one of them is nine, I say tap nine ten times and it says there is no nine or it doesn't understand, I check that there's space in my device, restart, it just blinks its little icon the first 12 times I tap on it or talk to it, give it a few more minutes, now it doesn't understand open chrome if I say it three times | ||
2024-06-25 | I can't get it to change voice commands or voice recognition. It opens without me telling it to. It has frozen on my phone screen a couple of times. It doesn't understand my voice commands and when I'm watching TV or around any other media playing, it picks up on it and says sorry I didn't understand that, but this has messed up all my other voice apps. I can't open the app either. Goes blank. Please fix it or allow a better app for us to use on pixil 8 bc this mess is a disaster for anyone 0 ✨ | ||
2024-04-14 | Convenient to use but needs a voice specific filter somewhat like in Google Assistant. It keeps picking up other voices in the media being played then it says "Sorry, I didn't understand stand that" and you're like "well, it's bc I didn't say that!" smh. Then you either have to physically stop the media from playing (which defeats the purpose of having voice access) or wait until there's a space in sound from the media so you can speak the command you want. Please improve this feature. | ||
2024-04-07 | If oral dictation is a part of this voice access feature, it is one of the hardest features to use. Now it has begun putting periods when my voice dictation hesitates it starts a new sentence. And when I try to edit what I have already written and find that your inserting words I did not use, it is very very difficult to do that because you're after I make the correction it immediately moves the cursor to the next location. If you haven't done any human factors testing on yes, you should. | ||
2023-12-11 | This is such a useful and important feature for us disabled folks... when it works. Super buggy - duplicates commands, will suddenly decide in grid mode that you obviously must be wanting to type numbers instead of clicking them, and recently it's started using a TON of resources. Oh, and it's started opening an app with the word "Two" in its name instead of tapping OR typing the number 2, so that's fun to have to work around 🙃 I just want this to work smoothly so I can use my phone! |
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