Learn Spanish for beginners

Learn the most important Spanish words with our language vocabulary game

Total ratings

4.61 (Rating count: 29,110)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helps in learning vocabulary easily
  • Engaging visuals and audio that aid learning
  • Simple and adaptable structure for various levels
  • Fun interactive style and gameplay
  • Useful for beginners to learn basic Spanish words
  • Excessive and intrusive ads disrupt learning
  • Lack of English translations for pictures can confuse users
  • No options for learning sentences or grammar
  • Connectivity issues with Bluetooth devices
  • No clear instructions on how to use some features
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads interrupt lessons
  • Need for English translations of words
  • User-friendly for beginners
  • Good for vocabulary building
  • Lack of grammar and sentence structure teaching
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.61
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Date Author Rating Comment
Meriam Errami
I like the apps because there are very helpful for learning vocabulary so easily .
W Simmonite
Add city so far, 5 min in and 4 adds shoved down my throat . The apps probably great but that many adds is unnecessary and off putting . A dozen words = add Sorry guys it's a no from me 🤣
Makes a change from Duolingo at least you can focus on one area of spanish and really get it down. Whereas duolingo doesn't really have much structure... Both are good though
Dusty Powell
Way too many ads. Every lesson has an 11 second ad to watch. Very hard to learn a second language when you spend 10 seconds on a lesson then 11 seconds on an ad.
Peter Broadbent
Great little app. Really enjoyed it. Using it with my dad and it is keeping his mindrp and keeping our practice up. Only tried Spanish so far. Looking forward to the rest 😁
Erin Wood
Will not connect to my Bluetooth hearing aids. There's no app settings to change. My cell is already connected for calls and other apps play just fine. This still comes out speakers and I can't hear it. Update: now it just calls out the 1st pic and doesn't make any sound at all for anything else I tap. This is especially frustrating for the ones where it's supposed to call out something and you tap the correct answer.
Kalu Peter Nyendwa
The visuals and audio are on point and very helpful for learning.... you can learn on a fast pace without translating the words but knowing them directly because of their corresponding images
Miss M.
I've just discovered this game and loving it so far. It's a fun game. You get to practice over and over again without a time limit and can test yourself after. Definitely is keeping my mind active. 👌🏾
J.L. Atkinson
I definitely know words. Just wish it taught you sentences. Maybe it will farther in the game. I'll let you know.
Темирлан Унежев
This is an extremely useful app for beginners. You will easily learn the most important A1-A2 words with this.
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