GOLF GPS & rangefinder : Provides mobile application for Golf

Total ratings

2.56 (Rating count: 2,206)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • The app tracks shots and keeps scores.
  • Yardage is generally accurate and includes hole layouts.
  • Good compatibility with Samsung Galaxy Watch.
  • Frequent GPS and signal issues affecting hole progression.
  • Confusing hole numbering, especially when switching from front to back nine.
  • Bugs and glitches causing crashes and inaccurate distance measurements.
  • Lack of proper functionality for entering scores and tracking after rounds.
Most mentioned
  • Bugs and inaccuracies after updates.
  • Poor user interface and difficulty navigating the app.
  • Issues with the app not syncing correctly with the watch.
  • Problems with hole tracking and mapping.
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Recent rating average: 1.90
All time rating average: 2.56
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Date Author Rating Comment
Gary McKenzie
This app worked very well before the November 9 update. Before the update, the app would automatically go to the hole I was playing and I could track my shots. After the update, I try to track a shot on the back nine, and the app switches to the third hole on the front nine. It seems that the app is no longer useful for tracking my shots. Also, app is confusing when I have to designate which nine I am playing.
Sang Hee Won
I am not too impressed with this app. This app is buggy and inaccurate. I set my settings to display distances in yd, but club and course distances are displayed in meter. Also, it's not finding the holes correctly, especially the University of GA golf course. The distance tracker is off with huge margins. This app came with Galaxy Watch 5 golf edition, but I am not happy with the quantity of the app.
Bill Rankin
Galaxie Watch5 Pro Golf watch interface with Smart Caddie and Golf Buddy GPS apps are far better than the competition. Issues: (1) Galaxie Watch doesn't allow a manual start of the golf round if watch fails to locate teebox. (2) with Apps set to Yards, the afterround Course map view randomly reverts to Meters (in either app) or both. Will not change to Yards no matter how many attempts are made. Really enjoy both Apps--display and UI. Almost 5 stars!
Tim Kennington
Not great. The latest update (June 2023) the app can't track scores, or even shots. Unless you land on the fairway every time it's almost useless except a general range finder. I used to love it. Now I'm open to suggestions for a new app. It crashes if you try to zoo. In on an area. If fails at the basic necessities for a golf app. Moving on with my life.
Mark Syrowski
Change isn't good. When it went from golf buddy to smart caddie the app seems to mess up the scoring on my watch quite a bit and not record it. I also noticed that when I played a round d of golf and loaded the course the course and the score card didn't come close to matching. I went back several times to make sure I had the correct course loaded which I did and it was completely wrong. Not liking the change. This app is getting worse every time I use it. Locks up and tries to start over.
Matthew Johnson
Good app, sometimes difficult when GPS is assuming you're on a other hole if you hit an errant ball. It wouldn't make sense to suddenly skip ahead a few holes instead and of just hitting a slice/hook. Also, keeping track of a handicap would be immensely appreciated. I hate that I have another app to enter scores to track my handicap.
Lisa Johnston
Absolutely frustrating app and not user friendly at all. I use this with my Samsung Galaxy Watch5 Golf Edition. The format is 9in and 9out format which is horrible. Just do 1 - 18 holes! Heaven forbid you don't say yes to exit 9in to proceed to 9out instead of proceeding automatically you will never get to the 9out! If you change hole numbers the distance is grossly wrong as though measured from a hole on the front nine. Difficult to adjust your score if you missed scoring a hole. It sucks!!!
Sink or Swim
1st use today! Great until the back 9 😞. Everything worked great until the back 9. After the front 9 I had to agree that I was going to play the 9 out (back) on this course. The app called this Playing hole 1 OUT instead of simply hole 11. Once the back 9 round was established, it referred to them as back 9 hole numbers. Very weird and unnecessary. However, every hole on the back 9 said I was 5 and 7 hundred yards away from the pin even on par 3s. I backed out and reloaded the course no luck.
dameon lakeman
Golf Bubby, please fix these issues. 1. The menu do not work while playing. I pay $380 for the Samsung golf watch 5, and when I press three dots to open the menu while playing it opens settings instead of map layout menu. Please fix it. 2. If I start the back 9, it will not let me play the front 9 without finishing my back 9 and then start over to see the front 9. We would like to select any holes and play. 3. Please at a clock to the default play screen. It is a watch I should see the time.
Matt Garcia
I don't trust this app. There is a problem when this app loses signal. It's supposed to progress from one hole to the next as I complete my round of golf. Sometimes it does not progress and keeps my position at a previous hole. When I manually update the hole, the watch position does not update and gives me terribly inaccurate yardage. This has happened on the last 8 out of 10 rounds I have used it. I bought the Samsung Galaxy watch 5 golf edition for this app, and the experience is terrible.
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