Simple Weight Tracker

Weight tracker app. Track & record body weight in weight loss calendar.

Total ratings

4.75 (Rating count: 8,666)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and straightforward weight tracking without bloat.
  • The app provides a clear and helpful graph for visualizing weight changes.
  • Premium version adds useful features, such as goal setting.
  • Ad-free experience, enhancing usability.
  • Graph does not allow for zooming out to view longer timeframes.
  • Character limit for notes is too short.
  • The x-axis on the graph does not accurately represent time intervals.
  • Some users experienced issues with changing their starting weight.
Most mentioned
  • Need for better graph scaling and time representation.
  • Limited character count for notes.
  • Simplicity and ease of use.
  • Value of the premium version.
  • Ad-free experience.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.75
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Date Author Rating Comment
Victoria Deane
Great app! 👍 This app helps the user keep up with weight loss progress and goals. The small $ amount for this app's PREMIUM version is well worth it. I like seeing the "goal" features that come with Premium. I've had no trouble with the app. Once, when my Internet was down (at 1st I was not aware it was down), the premium features did not appear. However, when the internet came back up, everything in the app was updated and back to normal. Thank you developers!
K Gaming
ad free and simple. i like the dark ui and the graph. i was using the Zero app but they dont have a graph. at least not on free version & i am losing weight on a budget. i like that the app didnt throw a bunch of premium ads at me as soon as i open the app. the data is confusing. itll say i lost 5lbs this week then also say i lost 0lbs this month. it doesnt make sense. ill have to find another accurate app. no option to view entire graph data as a monthly or yearly view.
how thedevil
Great little app that works brilliantly in free mode without all the bloat of other apps if you only want to track your weight. But I just paid for Premium and I have a problem. I'm trying to GAIN weight and setting a goal higher than your current weight doesn't work. That makes Premium completely useless for that feature. Can this be fixed, please? That would make it a perfect 5 stars!
Grant Payne
This app is great in the sense that it is exactly what it claims to be. A simple weight tracker. And it's exactly what I wanted. I hate the frills. The goal setting and projection is elegant and the UI is not overly cluttered. Issues: -The amount of characters you can set in note for each entry is absurdly short - would be really nice to be able to change the x scale or zoom in / out in time to see you whole chart in one glance
Kevin Bauer
Simple Weight Tracker is perfect for my needs. I've been using this for over two years, logging my daily weight, exercise, and drinks. It's totally worth spending a couple bucks for the paid version to have the goal function and also to support the developer especially considering that it's a valuable tool that I use everyday. It's unfortunate that many leave poor reviews because they want additional features, they should not be using a 'simple' weight tracker.
RB Whitaker
Honestly, this app felt like the bare minimum. Just tracks weight, but makes it hard to see trends longer than about a week, because the graph will only show you a week at a time. You can scroll back and forth, but can't zoom out to see two weeks or a month at a time, which is problematic. I might have just missed it, but I tried everything I could think of and couldn't zoom out.
I used this app for an entire year. It really is simple, although it always bugged me that the exact dates of every entry aren't recorded or able to be viewed, it just seems to be more of a general chart with only some of the dates along the bottom. For that reason I'm trying a different app this year.
B. Marble
Needed a simple app to track my weight as I lose weight, this is exactly what I was looking for. Toss the dev a couple $$ to unlock Premium and you can set a goal weight and add small notes to the graph. (One of the reviews complained all the data points are evenly spaced: if you go to Preferences and check "Real date scaling" that will add blank spaces for missed days.) Perfect!
Joh K
Input is easy but the graph spaces out all entries the same, regardless of the duration between them. So if you weigh yourself after 3 weeks and then again after one day the space between those spots on the graph is the same. They're also isn't an easy way to go back and see the exact date of all the data points. So it provides an okay visual, but the visual is not particularly accurate regarding time (x axis). However, if you're only interested in whether you've gained or lost, this is fine.
A Google user
Firstly, "real date scaling" should be default, not a setting that needs to be turned-on in "Preferences." Accurate Graphs 101. I use this app to record/track my geriatric cockatiel's weight. (Weight is a key indicator of health for a bird, any sudden/drastic weight changes can be a sign of serious health issues.) So I wish I could specify grams as the unit (current options are pounds or kilograms, which makes sense for human weights), though this is not a deal-breaker. Super easy & convenient.
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