Eventzilla Organizer

Event ticketing & registration app to manage sales and check-in attendees

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3.20 (Rating count: 28)
See reviews for Eventzilla Organizer on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 3.20

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Date Author Rating Comment
Dara Dariush Tamaddon
Testing out
A Google user
Best app in Market place
A Google user
network error. ugh....
A Google user
Set to 2016! Pls update to reflect 2019!
A Google user
Great app to sell event tickets
A Google user
I keep getting an error that it cant connect to the network. App doesn't seem to work. How are we going to check people in and take payments at our event next week?
A Google user
What a baseless idea ? Matlab kabari banye ho,sign in ka option nai hai sidha log in kaise hota hai ?? Worst app
A Google user
Have moved from Eventbrite to Eventzilla for our charity training events. Overall very pleased, however this app is shocking. The "Sell tickets", View Orders" and "Check In" buttons don't work
A Google user
Too many bugs with Eventzilla. I'm constantly having customers say they have trouble with their bookings and can't book tickets. I've tried their support, but no help. Decided to try another service after a couple of years worth eventzilla.
A Google user
This does nothing for attendees. My tickets aren't here. There's no way to buy tickets in app. Given the lack of features, I wish organizers would use competitors.