Reviews of Snow Leopard Simulator

List of user reviews and ratings for Snow Leopard Simulator

Total ratings

4.59 (Rating count: 1,580)

Review summary

  • Great graphics and map design
  • Fun gameplay and engaging mechanics
  • Lack of in-app purchases and ads
  • Realistic simulation with weather and day/night cycles
  • Ability to have cubs and customize snow leopards
  • Pouncing mechanics can be difficult
  • Some users encounter glitches and health depletion issues
  • Lack of content after reaching higher levels
  • Some requests for more variety in the gameplay and environment
  • Confusion regarding animal species (e.g., caribou vs. moose)
Most mentioned
  • Desire for gameplay improvements and additions
  • Suggestions for more realistic simulation elements
  • Requests for a sequel or additional simulators (e.g., saber tooth tiger, panther)
  • Interest in expanding the map and introducing new environments
  • Player enjoyment of stealth mode and overall fun factor
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.59
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Rating filters

5 star
65% (13)
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25% (5)
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10% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
Dakota Rose
PLEASE! Make a snow leopard ult sim 2!
Brock Kinga
Snow leopards is so cool because of their spotted color and how they catch their prey.
Debra Jackson
It's amazing actually I love it 😍 you can get stealth mode and I m close to getting it 😍😍😍😍😍 and I'm on level 41 o OMG it's amazing ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dwayne Nimoh
This game is good! I was wondering if you can make a saber tooth tiger simulator 2 but without dinosaurs in it since they dont live together. You could add other ice age animals like mammoths, woolly rhinos and other ice age mammals.
striker747 is awsome
This game is great i love snow lepords the graphics are great and the map is amazing. I love the diffrent attaks. Thanks gluten free games
A Google user
its fun to play and pounceing is not that hard
A Google user
Why to easy to i compiled it in 1 to 2 days if possible can I have my money back
A Google user
I don't have a review, because I can't download the app
A Google user
This is a neat simulation. I enjoy the fully explorable environment, and the changing weather and day/night cycles make for a realistic experience. Would like to have some bosses to battle, as there are in the orca and sabertooth Sims. I also enjoy that there aren't in-app purchases or ads. I'd rather pay full price for a game and get the whole game - 'free to play' is bunkum if you have to pay to obtain items you need to progress, so thank you for not pulling that!
A Google user
So I stick to the rocks like glue apparently...Lolz!! I like the world but maybe you could make a lower leveled forested area without so much snow because snow leopards dont just live in snow. Maybe make two seasons that alternate after youve played for a number of times or hours. Oooh..and make the prey change based on the seasons! Like have the monkeys and birds out in spring/summer and have yak and moose out in fall/winter and then have other animals are out during all seasons. Also..No Antelope..
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