Picture Fish - Fish Identifier

Fish scanner, identify fish of saltwater, freshwater or brackishwater with a nap

Total ratings

4.14 (Rating count: 3,324)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface for taking pictures and trying to identify fish.
  • Some users found it correctly identified specific fish species on occasion.
  • App responds quickly when analyzing pictures.
  • Frequent misidentifications of common fish species.
  • Limited options for correcting or refining identifications, leading to user frustration.
  • Inconsistent results where fish are not detected or identified correctly, even in clear images.
  • Aggressive prompts for premium subscription.
  • Limited identification for freshwater fish and inaccuracies with well-known species.
Most mentioned
  • Inaccurate fish identification results.
  • Limited alternative suggestions for misidentified fish.
  • Frustration with subscription prompts and payment issues.
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Recent rating average: 1.50
All time rating average: 4.14
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Date Author Rating Comment
Andy P
Looks good and behaves well, but unfortunately the first three fish types I tried to get it to identify all came out wrong. There is no way to get the app to suggest alternatives either. Sadly uninstalled it.
mega monkevr
some fish are not accurate, like when I took a picture of a fat betta fish it said it was a blobfish somehow. 💀
Auron FFX
Didn't identify German ram or tetras First I tried to identify a German ram and the app didn't even detect a fish there. So then I tried my neon tetras and it misidentified them as guppies. You think this app would identify common fish like neon tetras but it said guppy. Uninstalled
Rob J
Not good. Wen I took pictures of my fish at home to try the app out, every one was wrong. I have platys and the result came back as a guppy, my glowlight tetras result came back as harlequin rasboras. My black phantom tetra result came back as angel fish. This app needs major work to improve it, also get a expert that actually knows what fish species are
Karina Karina
I couldn't cancel during the free trial? It's not what I thought it would be. Now it's charged me the subscription for 12months. For the fish we caught it did work out what they were. Would be great to know limits, sizes etc.
Matty Robinson
If I could give it no stars and leave it as a review, I would. The freshwater fish this application can't identify, is ..... Almost every fish that can be identified, telling me it's a cane toad or a bottle nosed dolphin, or a GD salamander when it's clear it has fins in the photo. Wouldn't recommend installing at all. Don't waste your time. And a message to the developers, you really messed this one up
Destiny McKenzie
Took several pictures of my fish, every time it came back saying "no fish found" even though the fish was very visible. It's a black and red fish sitting on a green plant. There's no way to not get decor in the picture as the fish I have likes lots of plants. The 1 time it came back with results was a white shell, a frog, and some kinda snail. None of which I have in the tank or anything close to those.
Corneliu Niculite
Out of 3 photos, it identified only one correctly. Imagine that one of the fish was identified as a Cuban Tree Frog. The other apps, for minerals, plants, birds work extremely well, so I am disappointed by this one.
Kelly Jesser
Not accurate AT ALL!!!! I am a very experienced aquarium keeper. I thought this act would be fun to help me keep track of what fish I had and what tank. It won't even identify a neon tetra properly. Which is one of the most common fish to keep in any aquarium! 🤦 It absolutely does NOT recognize a peacock gudgeon either, another common small fish. I am now deleting this app as it is entirely useless
Anna Young
keeps asking to go paid version and have to have a sign in. If I want the paid version I would pay for it dont keep shoving it in my fave ever time I want to try use the app. when using an existing picture the pinch to resize doesn't work and the move the fish to the view square dosent work. won't work unless you have internet connection, no good when you are out on a boat with the fish. Nice Idea just not well executed for a good user experience.
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