File Manager

File Manager is a powerfull, easy and smart file explorer for android.

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4.36 (Rating count: 53)
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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.36
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Date Author Rating Comment
David Phelps
Lots of features--most of them I haven't even tried--but the basics need work. For example, it can't delete multiple files at once. And when you do delete, rename, etc. a file, it shows that the file is still there, still has the old name, whatever, so it looks like the operation didn't work until you close the app and open it again.
There is huge problem on archive file. It can not open a single zip file.
Soumya Ghosh
Pretty good one, easy to eyes and to use too, well designed. Nice one with a couple of glitches though, (i) no favourite option available and (ii) when chose to put off recent media view, all category icons along with the recent media vanished. Hope the devs listening.
Praneeth Bobba
Opening very slow. Less customisation features.
Kapambwe Ruttrey
This app file manager is very good add more advance to make more attractive
Brigittè Ky “RaGiN RaVeN CroW” Givens Kimmons
Best app I can find every file
hana baker
Thumbnails are too small. Can't find how to enlarge thumbnails like other apps
Fannie Harmon
The thumbnail previews for photos, videos, and documents are super helpful. I'm especially impressed with its multitasking capability and ZIP/RAR support.
Emilia Angie Leesa
File Manager is a game-changer for organizing my Android device! Its user-friendly interface makes file management a breeze.
Dnyandev Thaware
The search function and storage analysis tools are incredibly helpful. Definitely a 5-star app!
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