BLM Public Lands Map Guide USA

Your guide to the recreational opportunities of the Bureau of Land Management!

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3.38 (Rating count: 38)
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Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.38
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Date Author Rating Comment
Has all the relevant data, but design and interface could be much better.
Daniel D Fisher
Confusing and unfriendly app
Paid for the app and it worked once. The overlay showing blm land doesn't work or show at all anymore. I cleared cache, storage, uninstalled, reinstalled, restarted my phone. Doesn't work. If it worked it would serve it's purpose and get five stars. Edit: Per developers comment the issue is not his fault. I double check the BLM website and the layers don't work there. Since the app is flawless and did work for a minute I'll rate it 5 stars. Sorry for the confusion.
Kenny Kuykendall
It would be nice if more road names were visible and known entry points were more defined.
Hart Art (Hart)
Fantastic app with great features and tools. Best app I've found to show BLM and USFS Lands along with your location since the Freeroam app quit being offered. Very up to date. Supports your own points along with points of recreation sites, trailheads, camping, offroading, parking, water, restrooms . . . and many more. Has various overlays and map types, geolocation and direct links to specific BLM areas. Thank you for this awesome app !
Ray Javu
I like the app, but today the yellow BLM overlay disappeared and I have been unable to get it back. If you can help me figure out what happened, I would really appreciate it.
Randy L.
Incredibly incomplete. I will update my score as the developers update their list. FYI, there is another side of the country called the East Coast.
Love Jah
would be great if you had a sliding bar that could change the shadow on the hillshade i have seen this on other maps that way you can see whats in the highlighted areas! your map is fixed, as well, it would be great to be able to pinch zoom spin 360 degrees the map so as to orientate easily with other maps possibly add 3D features to show terain/ slope/ hillshade in 3D maybe real time layers and maybe private property boundries? please consider at least the hillshade slider to adjust shadows!!
Patricia Stetson-Warning (Pastor Patricia)
Difficult to find trails
Terrible layout and interface
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