Cover Fire: Offline Shooting

Offline Shooter and Sniper Game on mobile. Warning it's addictive

Total ratings

4.62 (Rating count: 2,546,906)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great graphics and smooth gameplay
  • No pay-to-win mechanics; optional purchases
  • Can be played offline
  • Addictive and enjoyable
  • Allows for character and weapon upgrades
  • Frequent and intrusive ads
  • Issues with upgrade items disappearing
  • Energy requirements limit gameplay
  • Problems with ad rewards not working
  • Some levels can be overly difficult
Most mentioned
  • Graphics quality
  • In-game ads
  • Gameplay mechanics
  • Difficulty in upgrades and energy/rewards
  • Offline play availability
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.62
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jacob Frost
One of the best games I played I just started and I'm loving it control realistic gameplay and different characters and skills plus more are all great. chest, daily stuff to just awesome work no lags and runs smoothly they do have pay to get items and stuff but it's optional so yeah their ads too and some can earn u rewards so that's always useful.
Jason Bowden
I don't normally leave reviews, but this game deserves one. the graphics and game plan are great and ruins super smooth. the ads are optional for some extra cash but not intrusive. A ton of fun and you can advance without paying a buttload of cash. great job devs! in an era of pay to succeed games out there, you have bucked the system and made a fun game with great graphics that runs smooth and didn't break the bank... bravo!!! well worth the download!!
Ben Newbury
This game is honestly pretty good when you strictly look at the gameplay. It's a fairly well done cover shooter with weapons, characters, and skills to unlock and upgrade. The reality of the situation is at some point, somehow, you will not be able to play. Whether it's waiting for upgrades, event tickets, level energy, you will not be able to do anything. There needs to be a casual mode without a timer or requirement, so you can play while you wait for redundant timers to finish.
Harvey Dent
Great but overrated. Why ? False advertising, the ads, like every other game on Google play the ads are too constant. Every action leads to another ad. End a level, a ad will play before you even get to see that shot you just took. The ads are so fast & frequent. Actual game size is larger than 395mb more like 597mb. I don't want to play a demo to another game in the middle of a game I'm already playing ! The game can be played offline. Easy gameplay. Developers too focused on making 💰.
Savvy Vet
Very well done and polished, especially for the platform. Buys are what I would call average cost. Patience rewards for gain as well. No, you can't move around except to change cover, at least so far, but a pleasing experience nonetheless. I am a bit older and find it doesn't scream for a higher heart rate to enjoy and I can walk away when I so choose. Levels are not huge blocks of time to finish and challenging at times, if you are trying for perfection. You can replay them. Well done guys!
I love this game, and it would be 5 stars, if it weren't for all of my skill upgrade tickets disappearing out of nowhere. I purposely stock piled them so that I could upgrade a few at once, but sporadically I noticed that all of them were -500 or so. Now, I can't continue with the campaign mode because my combat level isn't high enough to even have a chance. I reached out to support about this but no one got back to me, so I'm taking off another star and hoping they see this.
Brody Albert
I've really enjoyed this game. Have been mad that the suggested power level can make such a difference. I play one level up and all of a sudden the shots do 4x the damage. That's not fair or fun, gradual scaling, not forced scaling. My biggest complaint is that a recent update deleted all of my cards that I had for all items. I had enough for all items to upgrade multiple times, the only limit was money (which is a problem). But now I don't have the cards anymore. In fact it says I have negative
Michael Burney
This game is awesome! Very addictive indeed. Graphics are nice, controls are fairly intuitive, and frame rate is on point. Ragdoll physics are ok but still enjoyable. Best thing is, you don't need to be connected to play. It's cool when you are but not necessary. A+++++, developers! How could y'all do this to me???? This game is like cocaine or crack... Can't quit playing it! Depleted my batt twice and waiting.... Superior!!!!!!
Jason Zehr
This is absolutely the best offline or online game ever. Absolutely free. Ads aren't too much of a problem. Game play is simple but intense enough to be a lot of fun. Easy to learn challenging to level up. Perks are in game and become a LOT more scarce towards the end so keep that in mind. Love the game. I'm at the end of the game and have been replaying missions for a few months. Have over a million dollars accumulated but am waiting for the rest of the events to be unlocked 😁😁 can't wait
James Stubbs
I've played this for a few years, it has decent graphics and fun. You can play a campaign or other missions which is good. But the commercials, commercials will play not consistently for chests. One video plays, and that's it, you cant open other chests because now the screen is black, and all you can do is reload or start the game over. Then you are taken back to the home screen, of course. Now, the time taken off the chest resets as if you haven't watched a video. Please fix. Cool game.
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