Cync (the new name of C by GE)

The all-new Cync app. The simple, connected app for Cync and C by GE.

Total ratings

4.49 (Rating count: 72,539)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • When it works, the app provides an easy way to control and set schedules for the smart bulbs.
  • App is secured with 2FA for better security.
  • The lights offer fun features like color changing options and routines.
  • Integration with other smart home features is smooth on first setup.
  • Frequent connectivity issues with lights and other smart devices, requiring reinstallation of the app and devices.
  • Inconsistent scheduling and control over devices, with several reports of routines not functioning properly or being reset.
  • User interface is reported to be complicated and not user-friendly, contributing to frustration during navigation.
  • Persistent login issues, including being logged out frequently and delays in receiving 2FA codes for verification.
Most mentioned
  • Problems with connectivity to lights and frequent disconnections, requiring resets.
  • Challenges with the app's user interface and navigation.
  • Issues with routines and schedules not working consistently as intended.
  • Frequent login/logout problems and issues related to 2FA verification codes.
See reviews for Cync (the new name of C by GE) on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 4.49
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Date Author Rating Comment
Cheryl Grey
Issues with the app finding/connecting to lights within the home. I have had to delete and reinstall the lights on multiple occasions. When it works, it's fine. But overall, it's been more frustrating than helpful. It's a great idea to be able to see the lights in the actual space. Don't love the look of the home screen or app interface either. Overall, not sure if I'll be buying these lights again.
Jari R
Overall good app but scrolling ability could be improved. It's difficult to scroll down to turn on/off multiple lights because you are required to touch the list of lights to scroll down, and you end up turning on/off lights just trying to scroll to the bottom of the list. It would help a lot if the scroll ability started on the top/name of the house so you could scroll to the bottom without touching light options.
Jonathan Yee
Needs improvement with Alexa integration. I have two smart switches. Sometimes, one will disconnect and work with Cync, but not Alexa. Only a hard reset will fix the issue. This tells me it's an app/firmware issue. Edit 1/12/25: Happens often. Switch will suddenly stop working with Alexa, but work fine with Cync app. Have to turn device off and on with pull tab, then Alexa works again. This tells me it's a software issue.
Sometimes, smart bulbs can't be controlled by the app properly. If you restart the app 1-6 times, it usually fixes it. Sometimes, the light program you set will randomly reset itself. Inviting another user only allows them to be a guest, not able to add or change features. Claims that location and nearby device permission is required to control bulbs. It's not required at all, and you can hit "cancel" on the permissions popup and still do everything. Why would you need that for WiFi devices?
That guy
Purchased this to work with no neutral wire home. Worked for a while and was easy the first time to set up. Bad- Signs out too often. Doesn't allow for auto fill on PW when signing back in. Struggles to find mesh network that supports 2.4 and 5 GHz. (Currently can not get it to context after removing and reset). Not a fan of having to click tiny arrow then click settings to change settings in the app. Good - connected to other smart home features easily on first set up.
Joshua S
Don't bother with rooms; they're worthless. For some reason you can set something to run at sundown, but it won't allow you to turn it off at a specific time, so you can't always use the sundown option. The biggest problem, however, is that the schedule isn't consistent. I have a weekend schedule that gets mixed up with the weekday schedule, which is very odd.
Nick Brennan
Clips from cameras take forever to load. Switching to fullscreen once loaded restarts the loading wait time. Attempting to delete clips almost always causes the app to crash. Once reopened, the clip has not been deleted. When it doesn't crash, it takes forever to delete clips.
Anthony Keydel
Has all the basics needed for a smart-home lighting system. Problem is they all kinda suck. App is secured via 2FA so you have to log into email to access your light switch. Scenes and Routines are limited. The Effects have some nice options but they lack clarity and precision, just generally difficult to use. The sliders go from .01 to .1 to. 2 to 80 - find something better! Feels like the intended users are mansions or resorts, or more likely, there was very little thought given to UX/UI.
Craig Baarck
Generally works pretty good. There are times where the app takes a minute to get the UI in line with the actual light status and ill have to turn something on or off a couple times before it syncs up. It would be nice if there was a log somewhere where i could see events that were triggered. A couple of my lights turn on at a certain time everyday and I have no idea why as all of my routines have been deleted and recreated recently
Tabby R
The outdoor power plug does not follow the schedule. Having read about other people struggling with the same issue, and having observed the behavior of mine, I suspect the issue might be in the wrong determination of the time zone based on the zip code and/or location. The plug goes back. The app itself is OK,but the UI could've been better: config options on one page instead of a survey-type multiple screens.
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