
Make-A-List allows you to quickly create a list by voice or text.

Total ratings

4.71 (Rating count: 14,308)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and easy to use
  • No unnecessary features; straightforward functionality
  • Voice-to-text feature facilitates list creation
  • No data collection or sharing with third parties
  • Ability to create multiple lists easily
  • Ads can be intrusive or persistent
  • Lacks a search function for long lists
  • Cannot add multiple items in one go; requires multiple clicks
  • Difficulty with blank titles for lists
  • Editing interface could be improved (e.g., editing box size)
Most mentioned
  • Voice-to-text feature
  • Simplicity and ease of use
  • Issue with ads
  • Lack of ability to add multiple items at once
  • Desire for a search function
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Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.71
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Date Author Rating Comment
Auspicious Cloud
Love that no data is collected! I love that I can set the sort order to unchecked on top, and then when everything is done, it returns to my original unsorted order when I deselect all. I also love that all the payment options, including whatching adds for add free benefits. This app is exactly what I need! Thank you!
Rita Smith
Why can't I use the make a list app to use the microphone without being online this is only happening on my shock volt Android phone...I guess this an issues with my phone and not with this app? So now I am having the same issue, but with another phone. My Moto is now saying Voice Search isn't available. This just started happening about a week now, where previously it was working. I've even just finished updating and still not working. All other apps work fine.
barbara dixon
Love this app! I already have a calendar app I've used for years, so I didnt need all those extra features. I was looking for a simple to use app where I could make lists. I am a relentless list maker, usually on paper, which I sometimes lose, so having this easy to use app on my phone is wonderful. Making lists on this app is so easy, editing and changing items is fast and simple too. I think you've just fed my addiction to making lists! Highly recommended for staying organized! Thanks!
Nichole Kaiser
Straightforward. Self-explanatory. Simple and effective. No bells or whistles but fully functional. If you want sub tabs for your sub tabs, this is probably not for you. If you can't remember anything for more than 2 seconds, then this is for you. With this app, I don't have to log in or enter a password or open a category. Tap the app, tap the plus sign on the bottom left, and start talking or typing. List items can be dragged to rearrange, as well as color coded. I use the free version.
It does what you want it to do can make several lists (I'm going to assume infinite) but my problems are the ads (you get one at the bottom constantly unless you watch a 30 second ad that stops ads for 8 hours) but that's not my big concern, my concern is that if you make a list leave the title blank or as a space you can't get rid of it 2 times now I have done this because I was gonna make a list then decided not to and did that (you can cancel it while making it) I would say more but limit so
Audrey C
This is by far the best lists app, it works perfectly and doesn't have too many unnecessary features. I especially like how you can choose the color of each line. One thing I wish this app had is the ability to search for lists and within lists. Sometimes my lists get quite long and it would be nice to have a search option to see what I have already put on the list, instead of having to scroll through the whole list to find my item.
Super easy to use. No nonsense to join, sign up for etc.. I tried both of the grocery list apps with MILK in the name and they are both overcomplicated and want user names,passwords, etc... This app is easy, install, open, create lists. Ta-da, that simple. Just like making a list at home but this one you won't forget. Unless you want ads and complications, I'd say try this app FIRST !
HeavenlyProtection FromNewAgeDeception
Great app! Speak to list is great! The only thing is it won't stop suggesting to me "Try saying two chips and salsa," after (literally) every single item I add to my list - no exaggeration. Could you PLEASE get rid of that??? It has a color option in the settings but doesn't tell you where nor how to work it. Other than that, excellent app! I already suggested it to a family member!
LA Summer
👍👍I downloaded because no data is collected or shared with third parties.👍👍 Update: it's a simple, clean, useful, easy to use app. I would like it if a new item added would appear at the top of the list (not the bottom). I have to always move it up, and dragging does not work very well. Logically, the most recent thing i add is always going to be the most current and important, I'm always going to want it at the top of the list (never the bottom) and i can choose to move it from there.
Alex Romo
I tried many checklist apps...I prefer this app because it doesn't delete or hide a completed item. It lines it out with the option to delete. Perfect for building lists that you use repeatedly. The voice to text is super easy to use and a very nice option. Updated: changed rating in hopes that Garbek will reach out to me after I payed nearly $50 for upgrades. Sharing on my two phones is not working. 😒
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