
Jump, Dive, Slide and Throw Shuriken through an Awesome endless Ninja adventure!

Total ratings

4.35 (Rating count: 32,869)

Review summary

  • Great graphics and animation
  • Fun gameplay that can pass time
  • Simple controls and easy to pick up
  • Nostalgic feel reminiscent of old games
  • Lack of control over character movement
  • Repetitive gameplay and missions
  • High costs for upgrades and rewards
  • Annoying ads and waiting times
  • Unfair difficulty in certain scenarios
Most mentioned
  • Graphics are appealing
  • Need for better control mechanics
  • Repetitive gameplay
  • Difficulty with missions and obstacles
  • Desire for more content like skins or modes
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 4.35
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19% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Xanthe Tran
I maxed this game out on my last device. It is an absolute pleasure of a game to play no matter where you start
Malcom Bates
This game is pretty good but the ads are a bit annoying but otherwise it's great 👍
Taruki Kuta
Looks like a game you'd see a background character in amazing world of gumball play, decent enough to pass the time while waiting for the bus or smoking break
Emilee Williams
Super fun!! Download and see for yourself. Reminds me of an old Sega 🎮 Gamegear game with the 2D graphics. Pretty cool all in all.
Big Dredwick
More work needs to be put into the mechanics. It has great graphics and a good idea, but too many scenarios occur in which the player cannot pass, or they just continually take damage until they die. Needs a lot of work, plain and simple.
dj frog
This game is really cool, I really enjoyed playing it on my free time, but I gave only 4 stars because you need to add like more mods skins.. something like that.
M Tufts
Amazing animation and smooth play, but overly repetitive with very little advancement. I actually couldn't tell what the leveling system does at all.. sense like the ninja behaves the same from lv0-4.
Larissa “Lady Death's Head”
Simple concept, simple execution. A runner game where that's pretty much all you gonna do. You can jump and throw shurikens, but that's all, for the entire game. Also, the missions will lock and you will be unable to play and have to wait 9 minutes, which is a incredibly stupid mechanic. If i want to play, i should play as much as i want to. May be worth checking out if you like infinite runners, perhaps. 42/100
Archilance Art Production
Very ninja like... A great way to pass time.i would have been more great if the levels are changing rather than just completing missions.
Its okay, but could use better controls. The deaths are too quick for the restart screen so sometimes youll die and wait longer than you played
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