Battle of Sea: Pirate Fight

MMORPG style sea battle/fight with pirate ships on PvP maps

Total ratings

4.20 (Rating count: 5,373)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Reminds players of Seafight and brings good memories.
  • Good graphics and gameplay.
  • Potential for growth and future updates.
  • Fun to play, especially with friends in guilds.
  • Slow progress and lack of rewards for free players.
  • High costs for non-Turkish players, leading to perceived bias.
  • Frequent bugs and performance issues.
  • Insufficient advertising and low player base.
  • Poor customer support and developer engagement.
Most mentioned
  • Gameplay similarities to Seafight.
  • High costs and bias against non-Turkish players.
  • Bugs and performance issues.
  • Need for more frequent updates and advertising.
  • Fun and engaging core gameplay.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.20
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Date Author Rating Comment
Mike Fairbanks
Very close to Seafight..good game...could have a bit more to it.
Unable to delete account, this is not a good thing.
Austin Luker
It's a good game if you have ever played seafight. Brings a lot of good memories, downsides are slow progress if you don't have active guild mates willing to help you grow. As well as low quest rewards compared to the damage you can deal as a free playing player.
63 Nineteen
Yeah seems nice early on. Another of those comfortable games until you want to feel uncomfortable. No glitches to date and chat is monitored which I like.
I highly suggest that you guys invest in Ads, you need more player base, if anything good is to happen to this game, otherwise when it comes to game experience all good no lags, and a good road map, best of luck.
Tunico Barros
Great game,promising and interesting. With the right updates, add on content and new events,it can really grow to be a massive game
Andrey Lappo
После запуска отображается анимированная полноэкранная заставка, надпись "Checking for update" и более ничего. Vivo T1 (4G, Android 13)
Manveer Singh
Hi the game's good BUT it does NOT match the gaming level of what most gamers want. Sure the storyline and gameplay is worth a play. But please make it more immersive and less tutorial.
Viktor Trajkovski
Extreanly bias staff team, very slow with updates. and as i said they are bias what i mean by that only turkish people are allow to pay to win in this game because the packages for them are 3-4 times cheaper then for anyone else for example for a european or us player needs to pay 120€/$ for 2 mil gold and turkish player needs to pay only 20-30€ for the dame package. God watches 😶. I will extreamy not recommended this game even tho i olayed it for more then 4 years on and off
Michael Feeney
This game is made for Turkish players only. The game developer does not care about any other player base, he only caters to Turkish players. Every other nationality has to pay 3x as much for content as Turkish players, and the game has only one server in Germany, so anyone not in Europe has a large disadvantage in ping and load time.
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