Reviews of Color Roll 3D

List of user reviews and ratings for Color Roll 3D

Total ratings

4.46 (Rating count: 538,389)

Review summary

  • Simple and fun concept for passing time
  • Potential for engaging gameplay if difficulty is increased
  • Visual appeal and design on the puzzles
  • Excessive and frequent ads, interrupting gameplay
  • Levels are too easy and not challenging enough
  • Repetitive levels with duplicates
  • Ad removal feature does not work
  • Game lacks engaging sound effects and ambiance
Most mentioned
  • Overwhelming number of ads after every level
  • Extreme simplicity of puzzles
  • Repetition of puzzles
  • Inability to skip ads mid-game
  • Poor implementation of the ad-free option
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.40
All time rating average: 4.46
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55% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Puzzles are way to easy and the ads are obnoxiously frequent. The ads are only about 45 seconds long but there are 2 per puzzle and the puzzles take less than 45 seconds to solve. That is ridiculous doesn't even give you a chance to try the game and decide whether or not it's worth paying for, which it isn't unless you're buying it for kids.
Shawna Marie
I completely understand the need for ads when not paying for an app. Most apps will put the ads between levels and/or use them to reward play (for example you can choose to watch an ad for a bonus item or time to use for game play). Unfortunately with this game ads will suddenly play in the middle of levels which makes it impossible to enjoy the game with ads and makes it so the only option is to purchase ad free gaming which made me uninstall.
Joshua Teal
The game is a moderately easy puzzle game. The ads are obnoxious to the point that I'm uninstalling the game. They launch randomly, not just between every level but sometimes mid level, too. Each level takes maybe 10-20 seconds to solve, which is far too many ads just for that tiny amount of gameplay. Reply to dev: If you run an ad between each level, and each level takes 10 seconds, then, even on skip ads, I'm watching as many ads as I'm playing the game. Space them out to every 10 levels...
I'm rescinding my previous "functional but average" review after revisiting it. You'll spend more time watching ads than playing this game, which is embarrassingly easy. Even when it's not inexplicably repeating levels, they're stupidly easy. And I do mean it repeats. I'd say in 120 levels, maybe half of them were unique. Anyone interested in playing this "puzzle" game should make use of airplane mode to avoid the barrage of ads.
Caitlin D
This game has a ton of potential BUT: 1. I'm 28 puzzles in and have already gotten a duplicate. 2. There are ads between every single level. 3. The levels are super easy and only take a few seconds to solve (and don't seem to be getting any harder) so that means one or sometimes 2 ads every 15 seconds or so. 4. The button to purchase the removal of ads doesn't even work. Definitely not worth keeping installed, though I wanted to like it.
Wanda Goodfellow
That's too bad that you have to show an ad after each level. When ads are longer than it is to play one round it's time to delete the game. You don't even give new players a chance to like the game and you throw a pop up asking to rate the game. Here's your rating. Play nice. Don't be greedy. Also... why should I pay for 'No Ads' when you don't even give me a chance to like it?
Renee Bounce
Just another decent game loaded with a ridiculous amount of ads. You get 3 levels before the ads start, then they're after every single level. Not short 5 second ads, some are but for the most part they are much longer. You get to play a quick game that takes a couple seconds to complete and then you have to watch a ad that's longer than the level you just played. Don't waste your time downloading unless you enjoy constant, long, annoying ads that last longer than the level you just played.
Don't waste your time on this game. Hard levels could be done by a 2nd grader. Takes 10 seconds start to finish, then you have to watch a 30 second ad after each level. To bad, it looks like it could have been a relaxing, fun game. I would give 0 stars if it was allowed. Also the "no ads" button doesn't work, no matter how many times you click it. Sorry, but at this time, uninstalling the game is a must!
Jacob Paivarinta
Puzzles are too simple to feel engaging. Levels take less than 10 seconds each. There are also far far far too many ads, spotted 3 different types of ads in the 10 minutes I had it installed. Bar ads, ads for a "special hard level", and ads after every other level. When paired with a question over whether or not you like the game, where the "No" button doesn't do anything so you have to press "Yes" to rate the game, this "game" is really just a cash grab from advertisers.
Angela Kuhn
Okay first off, it was entertaining until I found out there's not many levels, and it just repeats without saying so. I figured it would be more challenging, however I understand why it's not. Ads; ads are common since the app is free, therefore not horrible. Overall good game to pass time but it's not long-term.
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