Reviews of Crystal Caddy

List of user reviews and ratings for Crystal Caddy

Total ratings

3.25 (Rating count: 13)
See reviews for Crystal Caddy on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 3.25

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Date Author Rating Comment
A Google user
Black bear
A Google user
If you have an older phone or a bad network it can affect any application which could be the cause for the bad reviews, especially in the Vernon area where the mountains make it tough to get reception and especially for an app as intuitive as this one. It does everything but I typically only use it for tee times. That is, I book all my tee-times on it. Use it on my Samsung Galazy 4. Would recommend it to anyone!
A Google user
this app might be good, but could not get through the tee time booking screen. when entering the credit card data, it would lock up, and couldn't finish the form. tried many times, but locked up each time. Android version 4.3, HTC ONE
A Google user
Works great. Yardages are spot on. Samsung galaxy 4.
A Google user
This is great...amazing courses too.