Happy Restaurant

Time Management Simulation Game

Total ratings

4.31 (Rating count: 233)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Neat graphics
  • Fun and relaxing gameplay
  • Constant updates and improvements
  • Frequent crashes on Android
  • Levels can become overwhelming and challenging
  • Some players experience glitches
Most mentioned
  • Difficulty in progressing through levels
  • Game becomes too demanding at times
  • Need for better upgrades and resources
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 4.31
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Rating filters

5 star
53% (8)
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27% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Sk Mahin
Herminia Carbon
Mind bending
Iqra Malik
Nicel hai bohot 😘😘
Misty Holt
Worked fine and I loved it on my iPhone. Recently switched to Android and it keeps crashing
Fudge Gibbs
I like this app.
Ian Hourigan
I like the game I just feel like sometimes it gets a little bit overwhelming with how many items people order. I'm stuck on a certain level right now because the people are ordering like 3-5 things before they finish and it's really hard to keep up. then my line gets super long and people start getting mad because I'm taking forever because of getting all the other people's food out first. Either either don't have so many people come in at one time or lessen the amount of items people order.
Mashell Jay
It was ok got to the 3 restaurant this b.tch keep picking up wrong items this 304 on coke 🤦😡
Tamara Sloan
It started off pretty good until you get to a certain level and then it starts to mess up I think it's glitches I think It needs fixing
Uninstalled the same day I installed. I am so tired of installing games that get impossible to beat. You have to repeat the same level over and over and over and still are stuck. Then you have no life's left. Can't upgrade because you don't earn enough to do so. Maybe someday I'll find a game that is fun instead of impossible games.
Eric Miles
It's ok
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