Forex Trading Broker

Trade 80+ global currency pairs with low spreads on a powerful mobile platform.

Total ratings

4.64 (Rating count: 2,371)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Charts powered by TradingView are appreciated for their functionality.
  • Some users find it easy to execute and control positions when the app is working well.
  • Quick deposits and withdrawals are highlighted as a positive feature.
  • The app frequently crashes, with users reporting constant logouts and the need to repeatedly log back in.
  • Navigation and user interface are considered non-intuitive and sluggish, with many users expressing frustration with changing time frames and accessing features.
  • Significant issues with trade execution and accuracy, including incorrect profit/loss displays and problems with setting stops/limits.
Most mentioned
  • The app crashes frequently and is unreliable for trading.
  • User interface is frustrating and not intuitive, causing difficulty in navigation and execution of trades.
  • Issues with logging in and app functioning after updates, affecting access to accounts and trade execution.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 4.64
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Date Author Rating Comment
Supa D.
I wouldn't recommend this trading platform. The web application is not user friendly. Can't use the DOM to see real time trades. The mobile/phone app is horrible. I'm not exaggerating when I say it crashes every 5 minutes. My phone keeps tabs of only this app dude to the high amount of times it crashes. This broker platform is very limited and I don't hear about any success stories using this broker. I've had this broker over 6 yrs only for back test because I can't trust this platform.
Don Thayer
Trash. Charts require multiple presses to change time frames. Very non-intuitive.
Thavarath Kierth
My experience with android app is amazing, I can execute and control the position easily.
Raymond Woodward
I only wish I could post the video. The charts going berserk and while I have an open position and then it doesn't seem to know all the sudden that the markets absolutely crashing, but you place a trade in and out of that direction guaranteed the market will immediately change and you'll be losing money 🤑
ko che
Very bad app. Much much worst than the ally forex it replaced. Latest version crashes all the time. It needs to reload the second time every time I open the app. Not only it lags in quotes, it registered wrong touches from time to time. Very very bad for a trading app.
steven gallitz
App is easy enough to use, when it's not force closing constantly. Have to log in about every 10 min, even though I have it set to keep log in for the day. (After Friday update, can't log in again, keeps saying "something went wrong, try again later." App has not allowed me to log in for 12 hours now. Have re-installed. Also can't log into website for my account either.
Devon Attia
The charts are provided by TradingView which are fantastic. You can view raw charts or open up the advanced chart which enables all of your typical tools and indicators. My main gripe is that entering a trade is different depending on if the advanced chart is open, and I personally prefer the non advanced one as I can directly set my SL/TP without changing screens.
Jonathan Stewart
Decent app. It can be a bit difficult to navigate, but I can usually find what I'm looking for. There are a few glitchy moments, but I already have issues with watchlists in the desktop application. They are likely related. I've used worse investment apps, so I would say this is somewhere in the middle.
Johnathan Flaggs
This mobile app for android crashes if left minimized for about 10 minutes. So I have to constantly log in to check my position status. It crashes so often that my phone gives me a recommendation to uninstall it due to frequent crashes. No other app crashes on my phone, just this one. If they can fix this problem this app will be 4-5 stars. Update: No one has addressed this issue. Many times I need to close my position and the app is unreliable. I'll have to move my funds to another broker.
Jonathan Bonnette
Tried to setup account. The Debit card verification process is horrendous. Never lets you upload, never works on desktop site or Chrome on phone. They let it time out and hold your money for over 2 weeks and never communicate to you what is happening and make you be the one to do all the follow up. Never once did they say or have me the option to cancel and refund my card. Just called back and wasted precious time listening to god awful music for over 20 minutes. Got nothing but pushback.
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