Food List & Grocery Shopping L

Track Food Inventory & Food Expiry, Create/Share Grocery Shopping List

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4.20 (Rating count: 43)
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Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.20
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Date Author Rating Comment
Shiree Taylor
This is working well. It would be great if you could "add all" low stock items to shopping list instead of having to select them one-by-one. Other than that, it works for me
Great app, wish it had updates
Peter Rock (Pi)
Well made app, but needs some improvements. Needs a categorised view for my food, so I could see my food by the categories or by the storage locations. Also needs option to change the currency used. Needs a scan to remove button for the my food list, also one for the shopping list that moves the item to my food
Granny (lixismom)
Wow this is perfect and has exactly everything that I was looking for. Only drawback is not being able to sync as I need my boss to be able to access this when he goes shopping.
Peter Bernard
Great details. Intuitive UI👍
Mick Powell
Just installed app seams ok
Muneer shah
Very nice 👍
Sachin Bhat
The fact that this app hasnt got updates in last 2 years, its little to wonder if any feedback or changes would be implemented in the app. There should be an option to cleat Manufacturing Date. Many products dont have one and are locally sourced. A lot of more features are needed to track pantry items and their costs.
Leke Ajidagba
Beautiful app, just wished there was dark mode, widget and the ability for product that's been ticked to automatically unchecked itself after a week or 2 weeks or so
Very useful
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