3DMark — The Gamer's Benchmark

The benchmark app that gives you more than a score.

Total ratings

4.27 (Rating count: 31,087)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun benchmark for all devices
  • Relevant tests for different devices
  • Great support from developers
  • Accurate results for performance comparison
  • Ability to test intense graphics rendering
  • New model submission issues
  • High storage usage
  • Crashes during certain tests
  • Inability to recognize some modern devices
  • User experience issues with test clarity
Most mentioned
  • Crashes during benchmarking tests
  • Connection issues with UL servers
  • Problems with device recognition
  • High storage usage for user data
  • Need for device-specific updates
See reviews for 3DMark — The Gamer's Benchmark on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.27
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48% (12)
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16% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Michiel Breur
Fix the new model option, it asks for extra information but doesn't send anyway.
Orlando Von Arrakon
Fun benchmark for all of my devices, to compare stats
pravin palve
Relevant and suitable tests for every device.
yeet mc yeeter
Amazing to test the quality of a new phone would recommend
James Lee
The extreme test crashes and it won't let me submit the device info. It says I'm the first to use this device but the send button does nothing. I even filled out the additional info area, it just sits there when I press send
Yardie P
Excellent piece of software.
🔴 Why does the "user data" part of this app consumes 1.3 GB on my phone even after I uninstalled all the benchmarks I had downloaded? How can I reduce this excessive storage usage? Thanks. (Provisional rating/review; reply or push an update that reduces the storage usage, and I'll delete the rating.)
Derek Spaeth
Appears to be in need of an update because my Pixel 9 is unrecognized so then I cannot compare any of my scores because it isn't even saving them to the database. I try to submit new device and it doesn't do anything
For me this app is fine, it shows if your phone is capable to render intense graphics, its just too bad that my phone (samsung galaxy note 10) wont be able to render it in 60/30fps. But there is a slight issue, sometimes the wildlife test run in 28 fps average, and other times it run in 12 fps average. My temps, memory and background usage is optimized and in the same condition as it was in the 28fps result. What could be the possible reason this happens?
Clifton Gainor
It's a benchmark that isn't quite able to benchmark modern phones. What do I mean by this? Well most modern flagship phones (2023) have screen refresh rates higher than 60hz, 3DMark doesn't utilize these higher refresh rates. They may say "we use higher resolutions to address this" but that just overloads the framebuffer (GPU Memory) and can limit the true performance. The only thing that addresses this is maybr the "unlimited" tests.
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