Watch FREE Movies and TV series across genres, no signup or subscription needed
Fawesome - Free Movies & TV Shows App
Fawesome - Movies & TV Shows is a free streaming app that offers over 100,000 movies and TV shows across various genres without any sign-up or subscription. Instant access to diverse content, including thrillers, dramas, and comedies, with new titles added weekly. Enjoy curated playlists, HD quality streaming, and a user-friendly interface. Available on all major connected devices, Fawesome provides an unlimited entertainment experience with 100% authorized content.
App stats
By: Future Today Inc
Rating: 4.45
260 new ratings
- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
- android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
- android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
- android.permission.INTERNET
- android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
- android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
- android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
- android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
- See more
Size: 36.14M
Email: bi*****
URLs: Website ,Privacy policy
Full description: See detailed description
Other platforms
Not available on Chrome
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
User reviews
- Decent catalog of movies and shows available
- Wide variety of genres to choose from
- User-friendly interface with easy navigation and no sign-up required
- High-quality video playback (HD)
- Availability of older and classic films
- Excessive and repetitive advertisements during viewing
- Frequent commercial breaks interrupting content
- Casting issues with Chromecast and other devices
- App stability problems leading to freezing and buffering
- Poor search functionality and lack of orientation/layout adjustment options
Most mentioned
- High number of ads and commercial interruptions
- App instability and performance issues
- Good selection of older and classic movies
- Request for features like video quality adjustment and better casting support
- Difficulty in content loading and playback navigation
User reviews
tried this app, and nope. Hard pass! I understand you need ads to make money, but the number of ads you guys put in here is INSANE!! Not only that, you show the same ad over and over. You played the same ad 12 times in a row many times. Pluto, fandango, tubi, heck, not even youtube does this many ads! If you don't have any other ad to show, play that one ad and let us get back to the movie!! Greedy. Also, we get to watch the movie maybe 5min then ads. No, I gave it a chance&never agin. Deleted.
goldenglove 85, 2025-01-30
This app has a decent catalog of different movies that are not readily seen. The true objection to this app is commercials. Way to frequent. To make it even worst there a 10-20 second pause to show a still screen of top picks after every commercial, which averages 4-6 commercials every break. That's bad and irritating.
Paul Jones, 2025-01-28