Learn Japanese - 11,000 Words

Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advanced vocabulary builder.

Total ratings

4.40 (Rating count: 21,450)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helpful for beginners learning Japanese vocabulary
  • Strong audio quality and options to learn speaking
  • Various methods of learning, including games and visuals
  • One-time payment option available for premium features
  • Kid-friendly mode available
  • Lack of hiragana and katakana options for reading support
  • Ineffective hand-free mode and speech recognition
  • Frequent and intrusive ads disrupting learning
  • Confusing or misleading translations and usage of words
  • Limited access to content without a paid subscription
Most mentioned
  • No hiragana reading option causing difficulty for learners
  • Problems with speech recognition and hand-free mode
  • Advertisements are annoying and disrupt learning
  • Discrepancy in the number of words offered compared to advertised amount
  • Request for improved options for kanji alongside hiragana
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.40
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Date Author Rating Comment
Dragon ball
The reason I got the app is for the hand free mode it does not work properly there is no time between one word to the next word on the list or that is said and the repetition feature does not work at all, it does not repeat the words at all to make things even more unusable.
Jessie Anne Woodard
it hard but it is helping me learn Japanese and I happy it is
Anwesha Upadhyay, VIC , 09
It's very good for beginners like me , I'm Korean , thank you ☺️
Crissy Sullivan
Over all it's a good app so far it teaches you a good amount of stuff but I would have preferred the majority of the app to be free.
De Niz
(Japanese Course) There is no hiragana reading option. It starts to show kanji without any explanation from the very first lesson.
cila sikucing
does it really provide 11,000 words? it doesn't seem so. just take a look at the "level" option and you will find that the total words provided are far less than 11,000 words. it is only around 6000 vocabularies.
Melissa Taxe
Okay so, this app is THE BEST language app that I've done, & I paid for the one time life time payment for this app, & I've always wanted to learn Japanese, & now I have a reason to, because my husband is Japanese, & he only knows a little bit of English, so I'm leaning Japanese for him. 😃
Exactly what I was looking for to learn basic vocabulary. Thank you so much! The only thing I will say is that speech recognition is not working well, but anything else is perfect.
Ihsan Ullah
The most interesting and easiest app to learn a new language.
Thomas Harrison
This app is very simple to use, which I like. However, this app would be sooo much better if you could change the Romaji to Hiragana, then this weould be so much more useful. Edit: just to clarify, I mean having Hiragana as an option along with Kanji instead. As learning and reading Hiragana is easy, and kanji can take time. This well help learning in Just Japanese rather than needing English letters.
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