Idle Transformation

Become a Beast

Total ratings

4.63 (Rating count: 39,635)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Interesting concept and gameplay mechanics
  • Educational content and trivia included
  • Transformations are visually appealing (to some users)
  • Provides a time-wasting, idle game experience
  • Some users appreciate the graphics quality for a mobile game
  • Excessive ads interrupt gameplay
  • Slow progression and earning rates
  • Limited variety of transformations
  • Technical issues with ads causing app crashes
  • Prestige mechanism is confusing or unsatisfactory for some users
Most mentioned
  • Presence of too many ads
  • Lack of various transformations
  • Slow game progression
  • Educational trivia may not appeal to all players
  • Issues with app stability and functionality
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.63
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Date Author Rating Comment
Levi Werner
Good,but missing so many possibilities for transformations. They could make a zombie, alien, etc
Jo Holloway-Green
This review is from my son who plays your game every day "I love how the characters transform and I like being able to earn the money to transform them. I think what would make it even better is if there were more characters like zombies, aliens , snow leopard, frankenstein etc. and also I want mini games as well that you can play alongside the main game. For example a snow world where you can build snow leopards and do different things."
Alex Brown
Great game, I used to play this nonstop and now I've remembered about it and it's just as fun, high recommend. 😀👍
Matt Hatfield
No tutorial or explanation as to what's going on or what any of the various game elements mean. I tried to click around and figure things out on my own but would get an ad every couple seconds making it completely impossible for me to get a grasp on anything. I ended up giving up and deleting the app less than five minutes after downloading it. This game is basically unplayable so save yourself some time and move along.
Christians Rule
It's fun but the ads are really bad so unless you want to watch a lot of ads for rewards or not rewards then turn off your internet. Other then that it's a great idle game and I suggest you play it. So it's a 4 star if there were not so many ads then it would be 5 star.
Albert & Kristie Ellison
really cool game, most realistic transformation progress I've ever seen. lots of people don't like sitting there for a while making slow progress, so it would be cool if y'all could ad a sandbox, where you wouldn't have to gain money to be able to transform, just finish the creature instantly! people say that the graphics aren't great, but in my opinion it's good. I mean how good can graphics get on a phone? but still some of the best graphics I've seen on a phone.
Dark Wolf
Cool concept, a little on the slow side, but is somewhat interesting to play. My disappointment comes from obsolete graphics and gender locked. There are only male transformations and no females, only a Male to Female transformation. Also it's one thing to allow ads for bonuses, it's another when you pretty much tell us to either watch an ad and get a bonus, or watch an ad anyways for no bonus. Most content is not locked behind a paywall, but the acquisition is absurdly slow.
MrFixit USA
This thing is literally nothing in the world but an excuse to play ads. EVERY step you take has an ad. And literally no saturation the ads end what different choices of ads to play "to earn coins" so you can take the next step of the game. I sat through NINE 30 second ads, just to "transform" THE FINGERTIPS OF ONE HAND of the guy you're "transforming". Developers have gone absolutely insane with their idiotic, pathetic attempts to get people to play ads.
Hecc Mann
Its a decent game with a lot of really interesting facts. It doesnt show you ads unless you want to see one (which I highly respect). The facts are interesting, the trivia questions are pretty educational. It definitely has more educational content than actual gameplay but I don't really mind that, the morbid facts are enough to keep me entertained. Though, the whole thing is pretty slow, I had to use an autoclicker to make the process faster and even that wasnt making it fast enough.
The problem is, once you've maxes your upgrades, that's it. You cannot upgrade them again. This is a problem when you buy the next character. Your earnings and whatnot will be as low as you started off and you cannot upgrade it. So, you're stuck. It takes literally forever t9lp earn enough money. You can prestige, so that you can upgrade again, but you'll return to the warewolf character and it takes too long to afford another.
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