Connect Associate

Interact with all of the core modules of Connect from your mobile device!

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2.47 (Rating count: 60)
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All time rating average: 2.47
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Date Author Rating Comment
Joe joe
I have had nothing but problems signing on , the app always closes in the middle of doing something. Just today, I'm locked out. i work in florida, and I'm locked out of all local markets down here. This app is very frustrating, to say the least.
david hernandez
I cant set up my account
J Rose
Won't let me set up account. I can't set up user name or password. Frustrating!
Mother Magenta
I must use it for my job but it sucks so much that I just take pics, email to myself and upload at the office. I cannot stand using this app!
Jon Sweat
How to reinstall every time I want to upload a new community.
Anna Wood
Will not upload and crashes!
Kervin Vancol
Consistently crashes and can't view previous photos on wifi sync only.
Jermaine Dixon
Terrible, it crashes, it takes too long for download. Can you please fix it for the android... It needs an update!
Susie Mollett
Can't use it not connecting with main program and it keeps shutting down.
Cole Sommer
App crashes or fails to load items constantly. Also often doesn't not sync correctly and you lose photos.
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