Freestone CU Mobile Banking

Freestone CU Mobile Banking allows you to perform banking services on the go

Total ratings

4.30 (Rating count: 22)
See reviews for Freestone CU Mobile Banking on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.29
All time rating average: 4.30

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14% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
Katrina “Kat” Williams
The app will not allow me to log in anymore and I get a never ending circle trying to load after I log in. I can log in to the website fine from my PC browser.
Bonita Malone
Just needed to update system to kore mordern and affiliate banks
0 0
Servers are always down so I can rarely actually check my balance or transfer money between accounts. Very annoying.
A Google user
I don't know how to sign in
A Google user
A Google user
You can't scroll through your account transactions without it skipping to the bottom (1st of the month) so you have to check it throughout the day to see what has cleared. This has been a problem with multiple devices.
A Google user
Really need the option to pay on other accounts inside of your own personal accounts. For example if I have a loan for a vehicle through FCU. We need the option to pay on that specific loan from this FCU app. Other than that this app is very convenient for keeping up with your finances on the go.