Toddler & Preschool Kids Games

Learning games for 3-5 years kids, play & learn colors, animals, shapes, numbers

Total ratings

3.98 (Rating count: 4,855)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Educational app beneficial for preschoolers and toddlers
  • Children enjoy playing the puzzles and games
  • Simple and entertaining for kids
  • Helpful for visual learners
  • Excessive ads disrupting the gaming experience
  • Repetitive puzzles lose interest quickly
  • Frustration from ads, especially for children with autism
Most mentioned
  • Ads
  • Educational value
  • Enjoyment for kids
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 3.98
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Date Author Rating Comment
Michele Glover
it is the best for my grand baby.
Ayesha Mohd
lots of ads offff
Bambi Kalnins
Ads in an app for kids? How dare you? Shameless.
This educational app is an excellent one for preschoolers! My one year loves playing the puzzles and finds them quickly! I subtracted a star due to ads... But i would give 4.5 stars if i could. Android user. Great work and many thanks!
Lee Yhane Hernan
Its a very good app for kids
Adil Hafeez
too much adds so I'm giving 3 star.
Wonder Woman
Well it is good with regards to words and numbers and colours,,,, BUT the puzzles are repetitive and my toddler has worked it all out within a couple days.
Ekere-Michael Gift
Very educative. My children LOVE it. Fortunately, there are no ads... Beautiful job and kudos to the developers. Totally love it.
Intersting game my daughter like thz game very much
Lindsay Bynzi
I downloaded this app against my better judgment because of the reviews I have read and Im sad to say they were right. My 3yr old Autistic daughter flipped out over CONSTANT ads. Maybe if developers cared about content and helping kids I would have left 5 stars. But every 30 seconds of ads makes me believe they are ONLY in it for the $$. Very frustrating to constantly run into ads with an Autistic child. They do not understand.
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