
Tuning in to your favorite online communities is easier than ever with Forem.

Forem - Connect with Online Communities on Android

Forem is an Android app that serves as a hub for passionate online communities. It allows users to discover, join, and participate in various Forems seamlessly. With features like push notifications, instant access to articles, podcasts, and discussions, users can stay engaged while navigating easily between different communities. The app supports community interaction through comments and reactions, enabling users to share their ideas and experiences from anywhere.
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App stats

By: Forem
Downloads: 59,878
Rating: 4.50
Version: 1.0.17 (Last updated: 2023-08-31)
Creation date: 2022-03-17
Full description: See detailed description


Other platforms

Forem (v0.1.5)
136 5.00 (4)
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