PROmote - Army Study Guide


Total ratings

4.31 (Rating count: 342)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Frequent updates to stay current with Army regulations
  • User-friendly and clean interface
  • Helpful resource for preparing for Army boards
  • Good condensed information for studying
  • Positive impact on promotions and board preparation
  • Slow loading speeds
  • Incorrect or outdated information in some areas
  • Quiz functionality is lacking, providing correct answers without feedback
  • Desire for additional features like unit history and chain of command
Most mentioned
  • Need for more updated regulations
  • Frequent updates and improvements
  • Overall effectiveness as a study guide for boards and promotions
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.31
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Date Author Rating Comment
Grace Kettling
Possible to add something where we could fill in unit chain of command?
Tony Williams
Needs like more information and be able to add unit history from all the units from across the Army. Would also help for boards as well
It is a good app. Loading speeds are kind of slow, though.
Christopher Bell
I use this app every time to prepare for the board. I appreciate the frequent updates to stay up to date with army regulations.
Nathan McCullough
Doesn't work. Slides don't load in
Stale Beat
It gives you good I formation, however the testing and quizs suck, if you answer correct to it all you pass 100%, they don't give you wrong answers that I have experienced.
I wasn't expecting much with this study app, but the $3 I paid was definitely worth it. Regulations are updated regularly and it is a very clean interface. Highly recommended.
cristina oliver
Just down loaded. For thr ABCT, it states pregnant Soldiers have 180 days after pregnancy to get within standard, however it is now 365 days. Just an update that needs to be made.
Chase Terwilliger
Not a review, just a question, Is this app regularly updated? For example is the new guidelines for AR 670-1 updated in this app?
cassandra acosta
Used this for the 2 week notice before my board, and nailed it. A lot of condensed information, very useful.
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