FollowScores: Live Scores

Official Sponsor of the UEFA Champions League

Total ratings

3.75 (Rating count: 193)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Ability to remove unwanted leagues from follow list
  • Clear and bold interface design
  • No ads interrupting the experience
  • Recent implementation of CAF competitions
  • Intention for continuous updates and improvements
  • Missing many leagues, especially in Africa and women's football
  • Lack of search functionality
  • Several bugs affecting performance and functionality
  • Poor color contrast and design aesthetics
  • Need for real-time updates and corrections on match data
Most mentioned
  • Need for more leagues to be added
  • Bugs and issues with app functionality
  • Color and design improvements requested
  • Desire for features like search button and live updates on followed matches
  • Request for more sports beyond football to be included
See reviews for FollowScores: Live Scores on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 3.75
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32% (9)
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39% (11)
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11% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Nice app. Love how you can remove leagues you don't want to follow. Bug though. I follow 4 teams. All of their matches are showing , however panathinaikos is missing. It doesn't show their games in the 'following' section. Hope this gets fixed edit: I fixed it guys . I was following Panathinaikos B team instead of the main team :) thanks for following up
apostle samuel Ihemenandu
I really love the app but lots are missing here. Biafra BFF, Nigeria NPFL and some other African football nations. I tag the best when my request is being considered. The Lord God Almighty Is Your Strength.
Ndanduleni Tshoteli
Thank you for having this app is the best of the best one to use it
Mehdi-Brahim HMAITI
No possibility to follow african Champions League and CAF Cup competitions? Come on! Update: thank you for implementing CAF competitions. Can you update logos of the FIFA Club World Cup 2025 competition and participating clubs (including Wydad AC)? Thank you.
Laura Thompson
Fab App But The Only Problem I Have Is That Not All The Women's Teams On It. Is Their Anything You're Planning To Do
Ephraim Okafor
Am giving you guys 5 ⭐ because of the boldness of the letters in the app which many LiveScore apps lack. Secondly, I see the seriousness in you people. The areas I want you to improve is the background color. The colors are poor and not attractive. Another area is the area of navigating from page to page and also work on how to exit the app after using. Thanks 🙏.I believe you will soon get another area you need to improve is line up. Please, do well to show line up at least before the match.
Seid Nur
In the next update include search button and also every league starts from 2022/23 back it into at least 1999/00 otherwise it has a fantastic UI❤️😍
Abél Axél
Just gorgeous, but many leagues aren't included, Armenia premier league and many more
Saeed Towaih
Simply the best. Wish for Arabic language and widget.
Hasan S.
App is good. You should correct Galatasaray's name. - Thanks for the update!
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