FMBT Mobile Banking

Access your FMBT accounts from the palm of your hand, anytime, anywhere.

Total ratings

4.05 (Rating count: 21)
See reviews for FMBT Mobile Banking on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.71
All time rating average: 4.05

Rating filters

5 star
29% (2)
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43% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Kathy Brzozowski
Can't use on this phone
tom strohl
Easy,fast, slick
Nicky Mitchell
Easy to use and always real-time view
Chris G
App worked great when I first installed it. Now it just crashes when you try to open it. Even did a phone reset with no luck.. Talked to several other customers from this bank having the same problem. App is useless in it's current state.
Drew G (Deyo)
App keeps either crashing or has an infinite loading time. Would expect a banking app to be updated more then every 8 months...
A Google user
It's a nice app and its helpful. I get locked out at times, and its not always as instant as you think it would be in 2020. Overall a good app.
A Google user
Since update,cant get into it nor will anybody answer to assist. Ugh.