A unique combination of Dice and Tower Defense!

Total ratings

3.89 (Rating count: 20)
See reviews for Dice TD RPG on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 3.89

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Date Author Rating Comment
Jason Kinder
It's not really 4 stars, but I like the game concept. It looks really good. The style is great. Unfortunately it falls short with bugs (towers don't merge correctly, and "ghost" stack sometimes), and there's not enough content here to justify $12 to unlock the game without ads. I will check back with this game in the future with hopes it will improve.
jay tee
On flip 5 when open, cannot see fight button. Closed I can
Aj Sweetman
Good game stop asking me to rate every other match tho
Nate L
I rate 4 out of 5 stars. Good concept of game it's got a similaraity of (bang.survivor). I like how it looks like something of Random Dice but only problem I have is. It'd be nice to have other things to do than run story levels an some sort of way of an online PVP and/or PVE game setting. But over all that still like the game. Hope to see some improvements in the future.