Destroy it all! Blood n' gore

A 3d physics game of destruction with blood now! Have fun with ragdolls.

Total ratings

3.45 (Rating count: 395)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun gameplay with physics dynamics
  • Good performance on some devices
  • Potential for enjoyment in destroying objects
  • Excessive and intrusive ads
  • Lag issues during gameplay
  • Lack of content like blood and variety in weapons
Most mentioned
  • Ads interrupt the gameplay experience
  • Lag problems when changing levels or objects
  • Desire for more weapons and gore in the game
See reviews for Destroy it all! Blood n' gore on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.45
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Date Author Rating Comment
Ryan Patterson
I would really like some more weapons or guns but overall it's not that bad
evan mcguffie
Missiles refuse to connect and the ads are too numerous for me to care about this game. The dev can cope for all I care
Karl Lindsey
Can you add a button that carefully places a bot in position.
Jade Sinclair
It's a alright game it would be great if you add more fun things
Nashawn Barr
Everytime i try to change the structure there is an ad
Franco Abayan
2 Stars! Cuase if i Play the Game its good but itd laggy when i go to next Level it Says All ragdoll all weapons and np ads thats fake!
jonathan paffhausen
So I downloaded this bc I read the controversial reviews and replies out of pity for y'all and I gotta say, I was overall disappointed. Horrible ui, awful models and graphics (to be fair I have a note 10+so I can run just about anything) childish looking effects, an overall feeling of an unfinished side project some college student makes. And then y'all have the gall to show a pop up ad every level. And I don't care that you can skip them, it interrupts the fun and flow of the game. It's not ok
L.J. Smith
Hhmm I have mixed feelings about this. on one side is good, but on the other side i feel like its a game i would buy on my Amazon kindle tablet for free
I got some brief kicks out of it. I'd say its a 2.5 star game its laggy at times but overall fun can be had out of any physics game.
Phishy B
It's lame to be honest. In order to upgrade weapons, one must watch an ad, after having to watch and skip ads after every new structure. Missiles don't always hit, grenades don't explode with a wide radius... And when a player does choose to upgrade a weapon or attempt to get a new ragdoll, the ads won't show. Not worth the time. (Developers: I noticed you ended a reply to a player stating "this review is not ok" that's too bad, if you can't handle criticism, don't develope mobile games.)
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