First PREMIER Mobile Banking

Enjoy secure account access on the go with First PREMIER Bank’s Mobile Banking!

Total ratings

4.45 (Rating count: 1,426)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Cannot log in despite using correct credentials.
    • App frequently reports maintenance or authentication errors.
    • Difficult and non-user-friendly interface.
    • Inadequate customer support and response to issues.
    • Issues with app stability and functionality after an update.
    Most mentioned
    • Problems logging in with correct username and password.
    • Frustration with customer support and lack of resolution.
    • Inability to access banking information through the app.
    • Negative experience with updates and app performance.
    • Overall dissatisfaction with the app compared to previous versions.
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.10
    All time rating average: 4.45
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    Date Author Rating Comment
    andy pulsifer
    App is chunky and difficult to use. It is one of the worst banking apps that exists. Not user-friendly, and the user interface is very archaic. It functions, but my honest feedback is that it's not great.
    Terri N Jones (TJ)
    I can't sign in so I can't give the app a review. The pictures of what you should be able to do sounds great, but if I can't sign in, how do I know. It seems like Premier has dropped the ball in a lot of areas over the last year...I had illegal(scam)charge on account and followed instructions per letter received which was write all info about charge and send thru electronically...Guess what they never received and refused to reopen case because it was to late. Not happy
    lawrence wilson
    This app doesn't work.It always says under maintenance, try back in 2 or 3 hours.Then when I call in payment it says may take up to 20 days to process payments.All so they can get you with late fees if it doesn't go through.You pay early the hold payment, but as soon as you don't have amount in bank they charge you with insufficient funds to get late fees from you.
    Fred Koch
    I went on to my app to check my balance and to make a payment and was told the app is outdated and no longer in use I downloaded your new app which is a piece of garbage it doesn't work it's just a waste of time.... every time I try to log in it tells me my password is incorrect well I hate to say this but my password is correct.. your new app is total garbage shame on you. I can't even rate your app there's no negative Stars....
    Christopher Eddy
    App said needed to upgrade to new version, actually was download of new app all together. Doesn't have access to my credit card anyways. Now I have no access to my account, get no statements, no way to pay my credit card. Closing the account and initiating arbitration.
    Need to update with technology, I called to speak with a representative the call was disconnected 2 times, I needed 2 previous statements online you can only go back 3 months. I was told it was $3.00 per statement, after the request was put in I was told it'll be 14 days! I asked about emailing unfortunately they don't do that but I can have them faxed, however the fax takes 14 days!!!! This is sooooo unacceptable for a credit card company! Please upgrade your systems to catch up with everyone!
    William Knight
    I download this app but I can't used the same username and password that's online on the app. Infact it will not log in with the same information that the website has and I don't want to change the info that I have for my gold card. So I can't use it. There is no other way to contact the company unless it's just by phone call or through us mail. And I check on the website of my account. And it's not really not a big deal for all that but I just wish I was able to use the app as well.
    Alicia Battle
    FIX YOUR STUPID APP. I cannot log in even though I am using the exact same log in info as the website version. The fact that I see so many other people struggling with this experience to this day infuriates me. FIX. It. Already. I can't pay my bills on the go under these poor app conditions.
    Angela S.
    Overall rating on mobile app? ZERO, NADA, ZILCH( but I had to click a star to get the comment to post). What is going on Premier? The app DOES NOT work. I'm not sure what the developer is doing but someone clearly is not manning the helm as numerous customers keep writing about the same problem. Please FIX THE ISSUE because the information we enter online in browser is the same information that is entered on the app as far as password and username go. FIX THE APP please!! Thank you
    Palestine Carpenter
    Each time I go to open this app, I have to reset password or user ID because you can't get access. Very frustrating 😕. And sometimes I can't resolve the issue myself, I have to call and have them resolve the issue. And still the next time I want to login my information is not excepted
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