First Bank – Mobile Banking

Simply and safely access your First Bank accounts with mobile & tablet devices.

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4.34 (Rating count: 101)
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Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.34
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Date Author Rating Comment
It's not letting me log in?? And no phone number to's annoying
paul goble
I am pleased to be able to see my balance and purchase history!
Jeff Reese
I really liked the app prior to the new update now im unable to even open the app. What the hell?
Rebekah Jones
Many aspects of banking cannot be managed from this app, including transfers that repeat and vacation notifications. You also can't see the account total after each transaction.
Melissa Porter
It's a little slow opening up. But very easy to navigate and understand.
A Google user
Works well quick an easy.
A Google user
Yesterday, I was assisted to organize a way to keep track of actual checks written before they are actually processed. Very helpful.
Mara Jennings
Sign in glitches and frequent updates that require me to re-set up the app frequently.
Steve DenHerder
This online banking has worked very well for several years.
Sharyn Ferrick
Like the new bill pay access via the telephone mobile app. No adds so that is great. Do not need extra interference when banking.
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