BCB Bank

BCB Mobile Banking offers wherever, whenever banking at your fingertips.

Total ratings

3.38 (Rating count: 89)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Cannot log in or experiences login issues
    • Zelle functionality frequently does not work
    • Mobile deposit issues, including incorrect amounts and app crashes
    • Frustrating security questions that make the app unusable
    • Poor customer service regarding ongoing issues
    Most mentioned
    • Login issues
    • Zelle not working
    • Mobile deposit frustrations
    • Security questions causing problems
    See reviews for BCB Bank on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.90
    All time rating average: 3.38
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    Date Author Rating Comment
    Kathryn Caperton
    Can't log in! I tried on the usual bank login and that didn't work either! What's going on
    David Cerventes
    Every time my sister sent me money my bank did not get it!
    It's not letting a $5.00 payment go thru
    Sam Shum
    Depositing check always say incorrect aount and I always put the correct amount doesn't recognize check amount for some reason.
    J- bird
    Sometimes the ATMs are down and it's frustrating when you want to go to the ATM instead of inside
    Piazza Sal
    Cant get Zelle to work, ever,
    Melanie Mercado-Connor
    The bank and service in general are great. That said, where did Zelle go? Did that partnership expire? I feel like we should have gotten a notification about that.
    Horrible. Got my bank setup online via pc no problems. Tried to login thru the app and gives me "incorrect username or password" called my bank only thing they could do offer a password reset. Glad I looked at the reviews for the app, I see I'm not alone.
    Bushido Ken
    Horrible update. Can't log in to my account anymore, just an endless loop of resetting passwords
    Carolann Cornett
    Needs more info on transactions
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