Excel Smart

Official Mobile Banking app of Excel Development Bank

Total ratings

2.60 (Rating count: 298)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Frequent login issues and errors when trying to access the app.
    • Transactions and account balances not updating or showing correctly.
    • Inability to generate reports or access certain features like fixed deposit accounts.
    • App performance problems, including slow response times and bugs.
    Most mentioned
    • Issues with logging in and processing errors.
    • Inconsistent display of account balance and transaction history.
    • Poor mobile banking service experience.
    • The app lacks necessary features like generating reports and fixed deposit account management.
    See reviews for Excel Smart on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.30
    All time rating average: 2.60
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    70% (14)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Ambika Khadka
    Not satisfied with overall bank service Please at least improve mobile banking I don't know what you think but honestly i think its the worst bank of nepal.
    jannat jannat
    Worst bank with worst banking service. Every time when I'm in hurry it shows error in opening app..
    I dont know why my account is not working.while im trying to login there showed 'unable to login in due to charge' what is meaning of this?
    Bikash Gautam
    Worse service ever! Every time some kind of bugs occur and make us in trouble while payment 😤
    Owshique Miyan
    The transacted amount not reflecting to account immediately. It takes one day+ to reflect in account. Kindly solve the issue
    Yuu Opp
    It's not working properly, even not showing transactions activities bakws app
    Bishan Dangal
    Worst app It doesn't show ma balance and say no data available
    Basu Baral
    There have been many instances where ut doesn't show my balance and doesn't let me do anything, and also, it's the least feature packed mobile banking application.
    rashid musharraf
    My phone is vivo y56 5g the problem is that the excel smart app is not supporting showing that permission is denied by User? I need help
    Shivajee Raut
    Worst among all these kinds of banking apps. Not able to generate a report for a single day. I'm trying to generate report aince last 2 days but it says no data found even the transactions exist. I am forced to use its mobile banking as the bank hasn't its internet banking. I request the developer either fix it or to develop internet banking too.
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